What happened?

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Flaky's POV

It was a beautiful afternoon in happy tree town. The birds were chirping , the citizens were lively and the laughter of children and families were among the town. I smelt the air, it smelled fresh and clean just like Petunia. Suddenly a soft voice started to speak which snapped me out of my daydream. "Flaky are you there darling? You're going to drop the cups and teapot if you're going to drift off like that." Lammy said. "Oh sorry. Today is just breathtaking." I said as I twirled, I almost tripped but I caught myself; causing me to become flustered. Everyone giggled at this as we continued our Journey to our friend, Giggles, house for a simple afternoon tea party. After a few minutes of silence, it was finally broken after Petunia began to speak. "Y'know I had the most scariest nightmare last night." She said in a kind of mysterious way. "Oh really what was it?" I said softly as if I was a curious child. Petunia looked away and back at me as if she was hesitant to tell to me. Finally she sighed and spoke about her "weird nightmare" "I had finished my night routine and everything so I was getting ready for bed. I laid down in my bed and shifted a bit; which had caused the bed to suddenly break and the box springs to pop out the mattress pierce through my skin, revealing my insides which had gotten caught inside the bed springs." She stopped walking and paused while looking at the ground. She then began to speak again. "It was so realistic that it felt like a memory from an old life. I didn't go to sleep that whole night afraid that the nightmare would suddenly come true." Petunia said in a shaky voice.

Me and Lammy went silent but for different reasons. Lammy was silent from pure shock however me, I was silent because I knew something most others in this town didn't. You see, Petunia was right about one thing "the nightmare" she had was a memory from a past life and it showed how she died in that life however she didn't figure this out. In this town people die every day and I don't mean "everyday" as in hyperbole but I mean every single day. However, these deaths of the residents in Happy Tree Town seem to be forgotten. This is because they come back alive or in better terms, their life seems to reset  along with their memories of their death. As well as resetting the memories of those who witness their death causing them to be unable to remember that they or someone died yesterday. However I don't know why but I'm a special case aside from these people, I had seem to be able to remember every single gruesome death that I had experienced in my past lives as well as my friends' deaths. Most people would say this is a blessing since I'm aware of this curse but however, in this case ignorance is bliss. I had developed many mental disorders and illnesses such as Anxiety and paranoia. However I can't do anything about this curse placed upon this town even though I have tried many solutions. I have tried leaving the town but the next day I wake up in my small apartment I'm Happy Tree Town with no explanation. I even tried to warn others but they don't believe me and brush it off as me being crazy. The only thing I can really do is just follow my daily routine as if nothing happens.

Silence filled the air between us until it was finally broken by Lammy. "Well um, Mr. Pickles can't wait for the tea party! He's very much excited." She said enthusiastically as she takes the pickle plush out of her purse. Me and Petunia smiled awkwardly. Lammy took care of the plush as if it were her child, we just went with it because none of us had the heart to confront her. After minutes of walking while we chatted we finally made it to Giggles house.

Lammy pranced up the stairs and towards the door as she and rang the doorbell. No one answered. Lammy knocked a second time. Again no one answered. She looked back with at us with an upset expression. She then turned around and leaned her head against Giggles house door. "Guys I think I hear screaming. I think someone is fighting." Lammy whispered. "Fighting who can possibly be fighting?" Petunia asked with her head tilted.

"Well Giggles did tell me she was inviting her boyfriend Flippy. They just started dating a few months ago, maybe that's the source of the screaming? It does sounds like a pretty bad fight." Lammy informed us. Flippy was a 25 year old veteran who had lived in Happy Tree town for most of his life. He was loved across the town and was known to be very friendly and kind. Also many women in the town was head over heels for him due to his attractive features.

"Maybe we should go in there and see what's going on." Lammy was about to ring the doorbell again until it burst open and a tall man with green hair stormed out of it, it took me a minute to realize that it was Flippy. However the door slammed Lammy in her face, causing her to hold her face in pain as she groaned. She backed up but suddenly she tripped on the steps with her high heels and fell head first on the stair steps below her. We stood there in utter disbelief as to what happend as a pool of blood started to form under her head and spread across the stair steps.

Everyone stood there with shocked painted on their face but me, it wasn't until Giggles had walked out her house to see Lammy's lifeless body there for everyone to scream and panic. I didn't. I sat there with a sorrowful look on my face. I knew this was bound to happen. All of a sudden Cuddles walked out Giggle's house with his face going pale from seeing the scene in front of the door. I was confused, "Why was Cuddles here. He wasn't invited" I thought until I was interrupted by panics and screams. "CALL THE AMBULANCE PLEASE!" Petunia screamed desperately. Cuddles listened to her and ran inside the house and called an ambulance. I knew there wasn't no point in doing this because she was already dead and she would just wake up tomorrow.

After five minutes which felt like hours of staring at Lammy's lifeless body the ambulance  finally came with Lumpy sticking his head out the window and waving at us to put her in the back of the small vehicle on the stretcher. I watched as Cuddles pushed through us and picked up Lammy's corpse and put her in the back of the ambulance. I thought to myself again"Why was cuddles here? Giggles never told us that she had invited him." I pushed the thought to the back of my mind. Right now it wasn't the time to think about this. We ran inside the ambulance. What was suppose to be a fun tea time turned out to be yet another traumatic day for me and my friends.

However before the ambulance rode off I looked outside the window. I saw Flippy who had caused Lammy's death by bursting through the door without knowing she was there storm off into the other direction. I thought to myself. Did he even care that he caused Lammy's death? Or maybe he didn't even notice. She was standing behind the door when he forcefully opened it with all his strength after all and did seem pent up with anger but why? I pushed these questions out of my mind. Right now I needed to focus on everyone.

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