Mall Trouble

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A few minutes passed as Nutty and Flaky wrote down some new recipes for the bakery. Flaky found that inspiration was everywhere and a notepad was handy. Nutty even helped by adding more ideas with his sugar crave. "This should be enough, right?" Flaky said with a list of 7 deserts written down with the ingredients attached.

"I can't wait to taste test them when you finally bake them." Nutty said finally sounding less serious than before and back to his normally enthusiastic mood.

"I bet Nutty, thank you for being such a help. Maybe bringing you a long was a great Idea." Flaky said smiling and blushing at the same time.

"Okay let's go in the store and get some ingredients we only have like an hour before we have to meet up with the others."

Flaky grabbed a shopping cart with Nutty trailing behind and spent countless hours going down aisles of with what seemed like infinite supplies for the bakery.

"Nutty which do you think is better? The Maple farm flour or the Cantaloupe flour?"

Nutty didn't respond.


Flaky turned to see Nutty talking to Sniffles. She sighed as she turned the shopping cart around to see what Sniffles and Nutty were talking about.

"God I hate babysitting the Ants family children, they're so disgusting and hard headed I barely get paid enou- Oh Hi Flaky!"

I smiled and waved. "H-H-Hey Sniffles why are you here I didn't really see you as the baking type" she said softly.

"What'd you say I can't really hear you."

Flaky repeated what she said but Sniffles still couldn't hear her.

"She said what are you doing here?"

Flaky was used to this she didn't know why but her shyness over came her when it came to talking to people she barely knew.
"Oh" sniffles said.

"Well I'm making a top new experiment it's very secretive and this might be able to help mankind!" Sniffles sounded very confident in his work.

Nutty looked in Sniffles shopping cart.

"Your mankind benefitting experiment has something to do with eggs, milk and a pack of cookies?" Nutty said confused.

Flaky held in her laugh while sniffles faced turned completely red.

"Well darling, you just have to wait and see once it's done." Sniffles pushing up his glasses while smirking once again showing his confidence that Flaky envied.

"Now that I'm thinking about it I do kinda need a human test subject to try it out." Sniffles said glaring at Nutty.

"Nutty I was going to call you later but now that you're her-"

"NUH UH I'M NOT DOING IT" Nutty said practically screaming.

"Besides I'm here with Flaky and her friends so I rather not ditch her and do some dumb experiment with you that might blow up your house again."

"I knew you would say that so..." Sniffles dug in his pocket and took out a plump bag of candy which Nutty oogled at. Nutty then turned to Flaky with a desperate face.

"Flaky come on we both know I can't reject a perfect round bag of candy especially when it's coming from my boyfriend."

Flaky sighed.

"I guess you can ditch me and go with Sniffles but you better come back home by 8pm SHARP."

Nutty jumped in excitement and hugged Flaky. He then rode off with his Romeo leaving poor flaky alone.

+A few mins Later+

Flaky finished up shipping. It was quicker than she thought actually, she was able to buy other items on the way to the group's meeting point. She waited patiently knowing how Lammy is during shopping, but that patience soon turned into impatient as the minutes sent by. Flaky took out her phone and the time was 5:50 pm leaving poor flaky by herself.

After a few more minutes of waiting Flaky decided to head off own her own to find the girls. It was easier sense the mall was almost closing so it's less crowded then it was at first. Flaky checked most the clothing stores but the girls weren't there. She finally stopped looking when she got to a store with "La Dona" plastered in cursive writing on the front of the store.

She huffed and put her big heavy bags with the cashier to watch them. She went up to an  employee that looked like they hated their life and asked "Have you seen three girls? One with purple hair, the other with people pink and the other with blue?" They nodded and pointed in the direction the girls were in. Flaky thanked the employee and headed their direction.

She was relieved when she heard Lammy's soft and mother like voice but then stopped when she heard her name come up.

"I wonder if Flaky is still waiting for us." Lammy said as she took out a purple skirt and pressed it against her waist to see if it fit.

"Why would you even invite her if you were gonna ditch her?" Petunia said giggling.

"Well Girls we can't lie Flaky does need a new style. I mean come on a skirt doesn't hurt once in a while." Giggles said.

"Plus she's a total nutcase. She thinks that once you die you come back again. Like what is she on?"

"Don't get me started on the way she's built. Someone needs to gain a few pounds." They all break out in laughter giggling like maniacs while Flaky hides behind a clothing rack sick to her as stomach.

She never felt this way before. It was mix of many emotions, a mix of sadness, anger and confusion. She wanted to confront them but again she was scared. She didn't know why. She hurriedly ran out of the store and into the very empty mall.

She saw a near by public bathroom and ran to it. She thanked God it was empty and ran into a stall to let all her emotions flow out. Why would friends say those horrible things? She couldn't understand.

"Hey are you okay?" A voice said.

This voice was very familiar but Flaky couldn't put her finger on it.

"I am I just, need some time alone to myself right now."

"You don't sound okay." The voice says teasingly.

"The store is gonna close in a few more minutes and it's completely empty. Why are you still here?"

"Just leave me alone." Flaky yelled at the noisy person.

The noisy person didn't respond but turned on the faucet of the sink. After Flaky wiped her tears and gathered up enough courage she stepped out of the stalls to see a person she hasn't seen in a while.

"Flippy?" She said utterly shocked but confused on why he had yellow eyes instead of his soft green ones.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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