Came at the wrong time 2

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Flippy's POV

I hummed as I made my way towards Giggles house. I tightly clutched all the gifts I brought for her and started to imagine her reaction when she sees all the things I got her. "She'll squeal and jump into my arms in happiness." I said to myself while smiling. My confidence was through the roof and my mind was on cloud nine. I also thought how impressed her friends would be, to the point where they'd envy our relationship. With each step I made to Giggle's house the more cocky I got. Finally when I made it to the street which was directly across her house I noticed something weird. Giggles's door was wide opened to the point where anyone could just walk in. A cold sweat ran down my back as I imagined the love of my life in danger.

I gulped as I clutched the roses in my left hand tighter as I waited in suspense to cross the street and check was going on. After an eternity (which was really 2 minutes) the light changed and all the cars stopped, enabling me to cross the street to her house. I darted across the street and ran up her steps. As I was about to walk in I noticed a pair of beat up yellow sneakers near the front door. The sneakers sat down next to Giggles's pink slippers. I sighed in relief thinking that one of the girls had made it to the house before me. I took my shoes off and placed them next to the door with the others. I made sure to be as quiet as mouse when closing the front door to make the surprise even better.

As I walked through the bottom section of the house I placed the giant teddy bear on the couch which was placed near her kitchen. Then I put the red box of chocolates on the counter.

"Okay now I'm ready." I said to myself as I tried to practice the way I'll enter the room. As I made my way toward the stairs I head very loud music. It was the kind of music they'd play at a ballroom where fancy and rich people would attend.

"Wow Giggles really went all out for the tea party." I thought to myself.

I slowly made my way up the stairs as the music got louder with each step I made. As I finally made it to the top of the stairs I tip toed my way towards her room where the music was at its loudest. Before I could open the door I heard Giggles's laugh. It sounded as cheerful and bubbly as her which sent a warm feeling down my back. Then all of a sudden I heard her starting to talk and I couldn't resist but eavesdrop.

G: "Well we still have an hour before everyone starts coming. By time it's 12:30 I can just lead you out the back door, no one will ever know you were here."

What did she mean by that? Did she secretly invite someone no one knew about? And why? I crept closer to her door and used all my courage to slightly opened it to see what was going on. There I saw Giggles looking forward at her closet door. It seemed as if she was talking to someone near the closet but I couldn't see who because the door was stopping me from seeing the figure. Then all of a sudden the person near the closet responded.

"We'll still even if they don't don't out today they're still gonna find out one way or another, this is wrong. Plus I also don't wanna get beat up by a veteran." They said

The figure sounded male but I couldn't just assume quite yet because of high high pitched their voice sounded. Also what did they mean by "getting beat up by a veteran." I knew they were talking about me since I was the only veteran in town but what could possibly upset me to the point where I would beat someone up. I listened closer as Giggles began to respond.

G: "Well, you don't have to worry as long as we continue things like this no one will find out besides it's just a matter of time before I break up with Flippy. He's too clingy anyways, I can't go out without him crawling to my feet and begging for him to come along. He's more like a dog than a boyfriend." She said trying her hardest not to burst out laughing.

I dropped the bouquet of roses on the floor as my jaw dropped. A mixture of emotions filled up inside of me, rage, sadness and surprise. I was sick to my stomach and I didn't even know what to do but cry. "Why did she say all of those hurtful things? How could she do this to me after I trusted her?" I was so confused as tears started to run down my face. I was so shocked and confused that all I did was stand there and watched as the conversation continued.

G: "Once we break up then we can start dating so it can seem like we were never cheating and you don't have to feel bad anymore. Does that sound good enough?"

?: "Yeah I guess..."

I started hearing the footsteps of the person Giggles was talking to walk towards her. There that's where I saw him. His yellow bunny ears paired with his yellow hoodie. It was cuddles, she was cheating on me with cuddles the guy who was at the skating rank everyday. He had bent over toward Giggles and kissed her on the lips. As I saw this, sadness turned into anger as I grit my teeth together. "How could she? After everything? I treated her so well. We never argued about anything, what made her do this." I thought to myself. My mind spiraled as I was blinded by rage.

I got up angrily and bust through the door. Cuddles and Giggles stopped kissing and turned their heads towards me. Their look of confusion soon turned into a look of shock and horror. Giggles face was the most horrified as her eyes were widened and her lips were quivering. I stared at her as she opened her mouth trying to speak, only stutters came out of her mouth before she finally spoke.

"Flippy, baby, I can explain. This- I.."

"Shut up. I heard everything, how long has this been going on?"

C: "Well um. O-o-only a few weeks. I-I t-think 3 weeks. A month."

His voice sounded shaky as if he was scared of me.

I balled my fist and scrunched my face.


I soon regretted saying this as I saw her get up. However when she got up I saw no remorse on her face as if she could give zero fucks about this whole situation.

"Well, it's not my fault I did this. What'd you expect? You never really taken me out to go anywhere plus you're just too clingy. You're like a submissive puppy who'd do anything for it's owner. It's disgusts me." She said. Her words were sharp and she didn't even stutter.

I opened my mouth to respond with another rude remark, but as soon as the words came out I realized it wasn't worth it. I sighed and turned around to the door.

"Where are you going?" She said confused

I didn't answer and walked downstairs. She followed. And then hug me from behind.

"Look Flippy, the words I said up there didn't mean anything. I'm sorry, the relationship between me and Cuddles means nothing to me, I only did it out of lusts nothing else. I love you please..." she said.

"SHUT THE HELL UP." I screamed as the door ranged.

I pushed her off of me and made my way towards the door. I bust opened the front door as I saw Giggles's friends standing their in confusion. I stomped my way in the other direction of them as I heard screaming and cries behind me. However I didn't dare look behind me.

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