Flaky's Bakery

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Flaky's POV

I woke up from my bed. The only thing that had woke me up was the bright sunlight and the loud alarm clock that echoed across the room. I sighed and looked out the window. I saw beautiful white birds flying in the big blue sky, people opening up their shops and waving and smiling at each other as they walked down the street. In Happy Tree Town you either knew all the residents who lived there or only knew the residents who stayed in your neighborhood. In my case I only knew the resident who lived in my neighborhood and a few in acorn and chestnut avenue.

As I was about to closed the curtains my head whipped around when I saw Lammy walking around with Truffles following behind her holding her bags. "Like they always do." I said to myself. This put me in a sickening mood as I had remembered what happened the other day. However I tried to ignore it and take a good stretch to get my day started. After I stretched I walked towards my bathroom. When I walked up to the sink I saw toothpaste foam everywhere. I couldn't help but to smile and shake my head. "Nutty."

There were my gal pals then there was Nutty. Nutty was the sugar addicted guy who everyone considered crazier than me. When I first moved to town people stayed away from me after I started to try to warn them about the horrible death cycles in the town. However Nutty was the first to talk to me. Maybe it was because everyone else isolated themselves from him (because he was considered a candy addicted freak who'd go through hell and back just to get his hand on anything with even an ounce of sugar in it.) so he was able to mutually relate with me. He also introduced me to all his neighborhood friends and my friend group containing Lammy, Petunia and Giggles, after that I finally moved in with him after his boyfriend, Sniffles moved out to a place of his own to do his experiments.

After I cleaned the sink, brushed my teeth and took a bath I put on my usual outfit, which is a beige sweater with black shorts. I headed downstairs to make breakfast but as I got to the last step I saw Nutty sitting at the table surrounded by multiple bowls of half eaten cereal and the last carton of milk down to its last bit. I stood there and shock and annoyance however, I tried my best not to laugh. Then with a mouth full of cereal Nutty whipped his head around and finally greeted me.

"Hey Flaky! Sorry for the mess I was just testing out which cereal had the most sugar." Nutty said in an inhumane like speed. When I hung out with Nutty around friends they'd often have to ask me what he said because of the way he talked. Since I've been around him since I was a teenager we could always understand each other.

I looked at him angrily while also he a pit curious.

"Why!?" I said with aggression.

Nutty spat the spoon out his mouth and it landed on the floor.

"Well.. Sniffles wanted me to consume the largest amount of sugar possible today so he can test one of his new inventions on me... he said that this invention could help man kind itself. It was also because I like sugar!" He said with a slight cheerfulness and innocence in his voice which had replaced all my anger at him with just annoyance.

I shook my head.

"Well just clean up after yoursel-"

"Oh I can't" he said cutting me off.

"I have to go to sniffles house immediately and then come to my shift at your bakery right after."

"When was the last time you did a chore in this house..?"

"Um.. I can't remember I'll get back to you on that one."


I sighed and instinctively looked at the clock. My eyes widened

"I'm late for work!" I screamed

"Uhhh no you're not.. you're actually 2 hours early." Nutty responded in a confused tone.

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