Came at the wrong time.

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Flippy's POV

My eyes slowly opened as the sun flooded my room. I lifted up my head to my window as I stretched before I got out of my bed. It was a beautiful day in my town, the sun was as bright as it could ever be. I looked at my alarm clock, it was 10:00 am, I smiled to myself, "It's still early enough to see her!". I was so excited to be able to visit Giggles that I had almost forgot to brush my teeth and eat breakfast. I just wanted to leave the house so I can be able to see her already. After I finish my morning routine, (taking a shower, brushing my teeth and doing my skincare routine), I sat down to eat the breakfast I had struggles to make this morning but was very proud that I had accomplished the task. When eating I was focused on the beautiful view my window gave me of my neighborhood. I saw children playing outside, families having cookouts and neighbors chatting while watering their gardens.

I signed to myself. "Today is such a beautiful day! I shouldn't be sitting inside rotting away." I thought to myself. After I finally finished eating breakfast, I threw my plate in the sink and sat on my couch. I flicked through channels while wondering what I should wear to be able to go see her. Every doubt in my mind was pushed into the deepest part of my head. I smiled to myself and wondered "What could go wrong today?"

All of a sudden an agonizing headache started to cause my body to winch in pain. I groaned and dug my nails into the arms in couch. I started to breath heavily and shut my eyes. "What's happening to me?" I cried to myself. After a few minutes of enduring pain while groaning and feeling like death had finally gotten it's grasp on my life, the pain had suddenly stopped. I calmed myself down in confusion and soothed my breathing, however something unexpected had happened, as I slowly opened my eyes. They widened as he started to speak to me.

"Good morning soldier. How's it going?" He spoke in an oddly calm tone. I ignored him knowing that if I answered back he would continue fucking with me.

"Why are you not answering back? It's not polite to ignore someone when they're talking to you..." Again I tried to ignore him but his voice sent anger down my body.

"Y'know... I find it almost pathetic but also humorous you think you can easily ignore me as if I'm not here. After all we're one of the same. Think of it as if you and me were conjoined twins." I balled my fists, no longer being able to ignore the demons words.

"SHUT UP! WE'RE NOT THE SAME, YOU'RE JUST A MANIFESTATION OF MY TRAUMA. YOU'RE NOT REAL. GET OUT OF MY HEAD." I screamed in complete anger as I slammed my fist of my coffee table, causing it to crack a bit. Even though I tried to silence him it was as if my words entertained him, leaving him almost satisfied.

"Wow, looks like someone grew balls for a minute there. I'm surprised, you haven't acted like that since the war. I'm shocked but also proud of you." He spoke softly, the sweet tone in his voice is what fueled me with anger even more. I sighed to relieve myself from all my pent up rage inside me.

With no more fight inside of me I said gently "Leave me alone please."

"Okay I will but this is a reward for giving me a good show, however I will be back. And I will find a way to take over your body once again I'll make your life a living hell."

"YOU ALREADY ARE!" I screamed tiredly, however I doubt he heard this response as he already drifted back into the depths of my mind. I said angrily. So much for a nice day of going out. I was tired, and my body was aching from all the energy I used to scream at this demon, well I wouldn't even call him a demon...

He was a manifestation of my trauma I had experienced from the war. You see, when I was 17 I was tasked to gather information on one of the opposing forces that was in a nearby camp. I was joined by my two comrades, Sneaky and Mouse Ka-Boom, those were their code names I had never really thought of asking them for their real names, which I have regretted ever since. During our mission we were discovered by the enemy forces and hunted down in the woods. My comrades were killed, I remember the way those soldiers brutally killed my friends and I had remembered the helplessness and anger I had felt knowing I was outnumbered and unable to do anything. I was about to suffer the same fate as them but I had hid in the body of my dead comrade. I still remember the feeling of fear and the insides of my comrade's warm and slimy body. I was so scared that all the fear, trauma and anger I had experienced manifested into, "Fliqpy" my alter ego. The next thing I knew is that he took over my body and killed the enemies forces, saving my life. Sometimes I wish he had never did that because now I'm cursed.

Every time I experience or remember something from the war my PTSD kicks in and I just freak out losing complete control over myself. Then that's when Fliqpy takes over my body and kills everyone in the area and skins them alive, making them unrecognizable when I wake up, as if that's his signature to show me he did it and I'm powerless compared to him. That's why I'm so hesitant and isolated from everyone as well as why I used to be so scared to go outside and meet with my friends. However, ever since I met my girlfriend, Giggles, my alter ego hasn't been able to control me. It's like ever since we've started dating she has been able to stop my memories from my past from being able to aid Fliqpy from taking over my body. I love her with every fiber in my body and spending time with her is what helps me get through rough times.

As I was deep into my thoughts about her I was suddenly interrupted by the phone ringing. I sighed as my tired body got struggled to get over to counter with the phone hysterically ringing on it. I finally made it over there and picked up the phone with a very shaky hand.

F: "Hello? You're speaking to Flippy who is this?"

G: "Oh hey honey, it's me Giggles! How are you doing today hun?"

I gasped as I felt a shoot of happiness strike my body. I hugged the phone tightly as I squealed as if I were a school girl getting a new purse. I finally release the phone after a second and continued the conversation.

F: "Oh well I'm doing good, I just finished eating breakfast. How about you? How's your day going? Is there anything you need?"

G: "Well slow down with all the questions dear. My day is going fine, In fact, I called you to invite you to a tea party with some friends."

Her voice was very soothing and calmed my mind.

F: "I'll be happy to come over after I finish some errands and take a nap. It'll probably take me about 2 hours to be over there."

G: "That's wonderful, the girls are coming as 1:30 anyways, so you'll be one time."

She sounded oddly happy when I mentioned I wasn't going to be there in a bit, I brushed it off thinking that it was just me being self conscious.

F: "Okay see you there love."

G: "Wait before you go, please call me and let me know when you're done with your errands and your nap so I can be able to know when your coming."

F: "Alright bye, love y-"

Suddenly the phone beeped, signifying that she had hanged up immediately with out saying goodbye or I love you back. This confused and upset me because she never hung up the phone without saying "bye" before and she sounded like she was in a hurry. I brushed it off, thinking that maybe she was just stressed from the fact that she had to set up a tea party and cater four guests. I sighed and smirked. Well maybe I can relieve her stressed when I show up early in surprise.

Even though I had told Giggles I was going to run errands and take a nap, I had lied. Even though I hate lying to a girl as sweet as her it was for the better of the gifts I wanted to bring her. I chuckled feeling good about myself to the point where I had forgotten that I even had an psycho, sadistic alter ego.

I finally calmed myself and pranced upstairs to my bedroom. That's when I slammed open the door and ran through my closet, rummaging for the best and fanciest outfit I can find. After a few minutes of searching I found a black shirt which looked liked it was made out of fur, then I found dark green slacks along with a dark green sweater. To top the outfit off I put on my dark green hat which tied the look together. I looked at the mirror, proud of the way I looked as I did tiny spins.

As I headed out the door I grabbed my expensive perfume and sprayed it all around me, making sure I smelled like flower petals. I sighed in happiness as I started to make my way out the porch and into the street. It took several minutes until I had made it to the shopping area where I had brought a huge teddy bear (which I could barely carry), a box of Giggles's favorite chocolate and some rose flowers. I looked down at all the items I brought thinking of how much she'll love them, however this daydream has gotten interrupted when I looked at my watch and saw that it was already 11:30 am. I thanked the cashier and headed my way to Giggles's house, my smile getting wider and wider with each step.

Two Sides of The Same StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang