The Darkness of His Mind

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Flippy's POV

I woke up in my very messy bed that I haven't cleaned in a while. I'm usually a very neat person but now I thought what was the point? No body cares about how I look anyways they'd still make fun of me anyways. I tried too look around at my surroundings, my eyes still heavy. I looked around my room which I had also not had clean in a while. As I looked towards my closet I saw a blurry figure which had resembled me. Without thinking I fell out my bed and darted to my bed side stand. I then snatched a combat knife from out the draw. I then turned back at my closet too see nothing was there.

Ever since I've been staying home lately I've been seeing strange things. As if I was losing my sanity. I mean I wasn't that sane to begin with but It felt as if I were slowly slipping away into a deep abyss. "Wow solider I haven't seen that reaction from you in a long time." Not this asshole again. He's been annoying me the whole time I went on this break of mine. As I sat back down on my bed my head started too throb. "Ugh..." I groaned. I got up from my bed and walked slowly too my kitchen.

I ran to my sink that was full of dishes and splashed water on my face. I heard a slight rumble from my stomach. "Maybe eating can distract me from my headache." I opened my fridge but a fowl smell rushed at me and slapped me in the face. I gagged and it took me most of my strength not to throw up. "Looks like you'll have too go to the grocery store." "I'm not going anywhere!" I said angrily. I walked too my arm chair and sat down, my stomach still itching for something to eat. "Flippy what is wrong with you? You wanna throw your life away and die alone because a girl dumped you and the town dislikes you? I bet if THEY saw you like this they'd be so disappointed right now..." "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! I'll go just shut up please!" I'd do anything for that demon too shut up and leave me alone and anything to stop from being reminded of my old friends.

I slipped on some pants and my heavy trench coat. I then ran into the bathroom and sprayed some men perfume on me and brushed my hair so I looked at least decent. Before I could take a step outside I took a breath and walked out. I walked outside and the sharp smell of freshly watered flowers filled the air. I turned to see where that smell was coming from and I saw that it was my neighbor, Lumpy his nickname. His real name was Lorenzo Maples. The town called him Lumpy because he was a dumbass basically. I waved at him with a smile on my face. "Hey Flappy!" He said waving the hose in the air. I didn't even bother correcting him knowing that he'd just forget it and mess it up the next day.

I thought I could stop at Flaky's bakery and eat something there so I wouldn't have to go to the grocery store. As I walked a different direction from the grocery store my head started too throb again but this time instead of a headache it felt as if my brain was about to burst out of my skull. I slowly made my way to a dark alley nearby. "Where do you think you're going?" "Ugh you asshole you're doing this to me aren't you?" "Maybe, Maybe not." I tried too limp to the pile of garbage bags nearby but instead I found myself crawling to it on all fours.

When I finally got to the garbage bags I started to sweat and breathe heavily. The pain was unbearable I couldn't take it. "STOP IT!" I screamed but my screams weren't able too stop it. It made the pain worse. My eyes slowly got heavy and I tried my hardest not too close them, for I knew if I did so that monster would come out. I breathed in and out, but it didn't help I finally closed my eyes and and fell into the darkness that was my mind.

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