The Hare and The Turtles

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Fliqpy's POV

I slowly opened my eyes ignoring the horrible stench that Flippy dragged himself to. I looked around analyzing my surroundings while my eyes were still blurry. I was in a dark alley with the air very humid. There were broken pipes everywhere and hundreds of glass shard scattered next to another piles of trash bags. I stretched, getting ready to pull myself up seeming after Flippy fainted he was knocked out for a few hours. But before I could even get up I heard voices nearby. "I thought I heard the screaming come from here." One voiced said. "Have you took your meds Lifty? Because I'm walking the same side walk as you and I heard nunin'" The voices sounded raspy and tired, they also had a new york kind of accent.

I grinned. I looked at the glass shards and the broken pipes and started to grin knowing I had already had a plan for these two. I grabbed the broken pipe and hid it under my leg. I then laid back on the horrible smelling trash and pretended I had fainted. I learned this technique while I was training in the military. Oh, how I wish my comrades were here to see me. The annoying voices came closer as they approached the entrance of the body. "Look over there!" Shifty screamed but this time in a much more softer voice. The identical twins both came running towards me. "Is he okay? Is he sleeping? Why does he look homeless?" I wanted to slit his neck open for saying that rude remark but I held back the urge. Shifty grunted at his brothers  stupidity. "Let's not ask all these questions besides doesn't matter if he fainted or if he is sleeping we have a chance to rob him and I'm taking it" Shifty said with a bit of cockiness in his throat.

I laughed in mind knowing I'd be doing the world some good if I killed these two. I gripped the pole tightly as Shifty was getting ready to dig in my pockets. "Look baby bro I'm bouta show you how to pick pockets" Shifty says. "I'm not your little brother I was born after you by like 4 minutes." Shifty ignored this comment and proceeded. "I feel something! I think I got some money!" Shifty says happily. I grabbed his wrist before he could pull his hand out of my pocket. He was speechless while we both made eye contact.

He then was taken by surprised when he I hit his head with the broken pipe as hard as I could. Blood gushed out of the side of his head before he was knocked out. When I looked at Lifty, like the idiot, he was just standing there looking at me with a scared look. Why didn't he run? I asked myself as if he was gonna here me. Hot tears started gushing out of his face before he uttered the words "P-p-please don't hurt me." I chuckled at his response. I took a step closer to him.

He backed up but then slipped on a nearby puddle making him slip, landing on the sharp hundreds of glass shards. He winced in pain but he then started to groan and ugly cry. "God you're really pathetic. I didn't even do anything yet." I said with annoyance and disgust painted on my face. I tightly held the pipe and shoved it down his throat. He gagged and tried to thrust his way away from but stopped when I stepped on his hand. I then took it out when he was still barely and I mean barely breathing. I put my combat boots on his neck and started repeatedly beating his tan face into a pulp.

I stopped after the... I stopped counting after the 23rd hit. Anyways, his face looked unrecognizable I sat there and analyzed him. (I should've did that before I decided to screw up his face.) He had dark brown hair and an ugly striped green sweater that matched his sweatpants that were also striped green. His skin tone was light brown hinting at his Latino heritage. I heard shifting behind me so I turned to Shifty.

He struggled to get up and lay his back on the wall. "W-w-heres L-l-lifty?" he says. His voice was softer than before but blood was gushing out his mouth making him cough. Blood was also dripping out of the side of his head. His eyes were half open. I stepped aside from Lifty's dead body. His eyes widened and he started to cry. "HOLY FUCK YOU BASTARD YOU KILLED LIFTY!" I was bored so I decided to get this over with quick. I grabbed Shifty by the back of his head and started banging his head on the cold brick wall. The blood gushing from his mouth didn't allow him to scream for help. His face ended up like his brothers and I put his body next to his.

I wiped the blood off my forehead and sighed. I put the pipe down and grabbed a knife with a bit of rust on it's handle. I looked further ahead in the alley that had an opening that looked empty. That was good when you're covered in a bloody mess but before I started to walk towards the opening I saw a poster.

Curiosity lured me in to read it. Big bright words saying "HAPPY TREE'S NEW MALL ON CHESTNUT AVE."

I smiled knowing where my next pit stop was.

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