Chapter 12

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Angie POV

I enter the classroom and immediately notice the really pretty teacher sitting at her desk. She was on her phone eating a granola bar.

She looked at me and smiled.

"Are you new here?" She asked and I nodded.

"ye-" I started off but got interrupted. "Angie!" Ash shouted at me.

I smiled at him and looked back at the teacher.

"Im his sister" I explain. She nods and motions me to go sit with him. I walk over to Ash and he has 2 friends sitting with him.

"An!" He shouts as soon as he sees me.

He pushes his friend away and motions for me to sit.

"Is she your girlfriend or something?" the one who was pushed away by Ash said.

I gave him a disgusted look. "Why would I date my brother?" I ask. 

Their eyes widen and their jaws drop to the floor.

"ASHTON HAS A SISTER?!" Both of them shout. 

"Chill out, bro!" Ash says "And yeah, I do have a sister! This is Angie" He introduces me while I give them a cheeky smile.

"She's cute," One of his friends says while pinching my cheeks. I glare at him before slapping their hands away.

"Im not cute, Im HOT," I say putting emphasis on the Hot.

They laugh at me while I glare at them.

"I'm Oliver but everybody calls me Oli and this is Daze" His friends introduce. "now that I notice expect your hair you both look so similar how come I haven't seen you here before?" Daze asks.

"Well, their hair actually looks similar to. Both have Dirty blonde" Oli says. I chuckle sheepishly. What am I gonna tell them?

That I didn't even know myself I had brothers since I women who claimed to be my Mom said I don't deserve anybody's love, especially a sibling?

No thanks!

But, before I could my older brother, came to my rescue. Love you, Ash!

"She was sent away since it was too dangerous for her with all the media after my parent's death and our family's fame" Ash explained.

They both nodded their heads understandingly and suddenly the teacher started talking "Hello Kids.....Okay, teenagers welcome or welcome back to another year of Lit/Lang or just another version of English class" She exclaims.

Favorite teacher Alert! I repeat Favorite teacher alert!

"Let's start off with introductions. I'm Ms. Adaline, but please call me Ms. Ada or Ms. A" She introduced.

"Im 29 years old and I love every sporty thing possible," She says with a smile. "Surprising for an English teacher. am I right?" She says.

Everybody nods.

"In this year of lit/lang we are gonna try here to introduce you here to different varieties and genres of Literature while also teaching you about Different languages in writing." She explains.

After she said that I zoned out until I heard the dreaded word


"We're gonna start this year off with a nice small introduction essay," she says but loses me at essay.


On the first day of school!?

"It has to be 4 paragraphs 5 sentences each, try to add different wording, genres, or even style of writing," Ms. A says making everyone groan.

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