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The night before the trial and the impeachment of the president.

Ami stared at Jungkook's back who's sitting in the very edge of Silver Moon tower's roof as he is still in his current mood. He's still in his pms. She sighs. She has been watching him since yesterday night when he barged into the police station where the president is being held for custody. Jungkook did not get the correct answers, in fact, when she gave the information the president told the two of them to the other members of Silver Moon it bought confusion but at the same time they all doubt what the president's said. Afterall, he'd do and say everything to prove him innocent.

When Jungkook stands up, he immediately halted seeing Ami staring at him with those sad eyes. His distraught eyes darkening and loosing their gloss  "What do you want?" He roughly asked.

"I'm sorry." Ami started. No other words left her mouth.

A tear left Jungkook's eye as he look away almost immediately the moment he felt his heart weakening. What Jungkook said, what her father did and how she just watched back then... No wonder why Jungkook's eyes always looked familiar, no wonder why he would always glare at her every time, and no wonder he's turned cold and so defensive. He have been hurt a lot, lost a alot of people he loves, and no one was there to help him.

Jungkook acted as if he did not hear her say anything. He walked passed her and left just like that leaving Ami in a puddle of inexplicable feelings towards him. Jeon Jungkook may be tough and strong in the outside, but the universe is the reason why he has to be. Life made him stronger in exchange of his happiness. His childhood lost because it was taken away by pain and loneliness. And he was physically strong but never emotionally.

Morning came.

Ami stands tall as she gave her final words inside the courtroom with the president and his helpless lawyer who was not able to do anything but glare at her. "This country have been deceived for so many years that I hope — your honor would open your eyes to the truth being presented in front of us. I charge President Hyeong for bribery, rape, woman and drug trafficking, obstruction of justice, and kidnapping — and official impeachment. He's a threat to mankind and shall be separated from society forever."

Silver Moon watched as the judge's gavel sounded the four corders of the room as it hit the wooden pallet. The whole trial is being watched lived world wide, letting them watch it through the television. The final speech was given and soon the tensed look on Silver Moon's face was replaced with happy smiles.

"—the police and prosecution was able to provide all strong and direct evidence. The prosecutor in charge — upon her kidnap was able to provide evidence. She presented a flashdrive with the president in the video taking advantage of some of the eleven women found under Violet Star's mansion." The news caster's voice could be heard through the television as Namjoon and Hoseok is already hugging each other in utter joy. "The president was given a life sentence separating him from the outside world forever. This is—"

The television was shut down as soon as Ami entered the tower she was greeted by Seokjin, Hoseok, Namjoon, and their boss Bang Sihyuk along with other members of Silver Moon. Apparently, they are throwing a party for their success. Sure, not all of the Violet Star members were arrested, but they are all being treated as an outcast everywhere they go and everytime people will see the familiar logo tattooed on their chest.

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