Ch. 21 : First Wave

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Author's POV

One week has passed since the incident. Both Mew and Gulf become more careful about stranger. However, Mew lately is busy with his works and Gulf has to be focused on his thesis' proposal. Their quality times reduce really much.

"Baby, sorry I can't have breakfast with you. I forget to tell you. I have early meeting today. Sorry naa~", Mew gives a peck on his wifey's lips before leaving their home.

Gulf pouts as soon as Mew closes the door. He has finished cooking, but his hubby already left. Luckily, his appetite unbelievably increases. Eating two portions of food are easy for him now. The uneasy one is his heart. He feels like really far from his own hubby. These past days, Mew was really busy. He left early and went home late.

The next day, Mew leaves first again. Even before Gulf wakes up. Actually, it's quiet normal for lecturer to be super busy. A month before final exam which means right now is a hectic period of every lecturer. He needs to prepare exam questions. Plus, all lecturers are busy making plan for next term.

Baby, I'll be late today. Don't wait for me! Love you! - Mew

Gulf reads the message after he is done the weekly meeting with event committee. So, here is Gulf now. Sitting on university's library. Looking references for his thesis. After he read a message from Mew, he ends up staying longer than expected. He doesn't like to be here honestly. He can't ever read peacefully because 'they' keep approaching him. But, he is also bored at home. He has gotten used with his hubby, so it feels lonely to be alone. He pouts.

"He must be busy with final exam things... You have to understand, Gulfie... He collects money for you too... Yes, I should support him! I will finish my thesis and graduate and start working, so I can help P'Mew...", Gulf says to himself.

"Hmmm... But, I'm hungry again... What should I eat for night snack?", he rubs his tummy.






It's midnight already. The young boy finally reached home. Surprisingly, Mew has come back. He crosses his arms and looks so serious. His gaze is fixed on his wifey.

"What time is it? Do you forget you already married and have someone waiting for you?"

"What are you talking about, phi? Can't you ask why I was late instead?"

"Are you always like this when I'm not around? Or, before meet me, you always go home this late?", Gulf frowns.

"Why are you like this?"

"Where did you go? Meet another man when I'm busy working for us?"

"You're talking nonsense, phi! I didn't meet anyone! You know it yourself. I don't have other friend except First."

"Oh really? Then, what else you could do until you lose track of time? I'm sure you have great time.", the younger sighs.

"I don't know what made you think like that. I'm too tired to argue. I will sleep in guest room tonight."

"Gulf, I haven't done talking! GULF!"

Gulf leaves him behind. He enters the bedroom and locks it. He lays on the bed. It's all tiring. His body and mind are tired. It's been a hard day for him. Today, consultation with his thesis adviser didn't go well. He needs to make revision and collects it tomorrow. It's stressing him out. Besides, what happened before he reached home also drains his energy.

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