I'm Back! :)

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Hi, guys!

I'm writing this to let you know about my final decision. I've thought it carefully. After reconsidering it and reading your comments, I decided to continue "Golden Triangle" with the same main characters. I have two considerations in making this decision.

Firstly, this story was made with them as main character. No matter how hard I'm trying to look for another couple that I hope would be suitable for the plot, I still couldn't find the right one. There is something inside me that keep blocking me. Maybe because their character is still too strong in my mind. Or maybe because this is all too sudden and I'm not ready for that.

Secondly, I've written their stories for more than 2 years. I don't know how to explain this. Something is missing. I feel uncomfortable to suddenly stop, but I'm not even sure if this story can be finished. I'm afraid if same issue appears again in the future. It's conflicting inside me and leaving me in dilemma. However, knowing there are people who hoped this story can be completed with them as main couple, I'm a little more certain. Plus, I think I should get over this by finishing this story of them to make me feel better and fill that missing part.

To be honest, I never thought this day would come this fast. The day when I've to say goodbye to the main characters of my works since two years ago. And, yes, this will be my last story with MG as main couple for time being or maybe forever. I don't know what future hold. I also don't know if they will be in my story as side couple or individual characters too.

This will be my last mission in writing their stories and starting a new journey after that. It's actually challenging for me to finish this asap. Hope it will be completed in few weeks. I want this to be the best ending for myself and all of us. I hope this will make me feel better and so do you.

Despite of all that, thank you so much for sharing your thought with me and staying with me in this journey. I surely won't stop writing. This has become a part of my life now. And, no worries! Your recommendations of another couple have been listed. I'll do some research first. Who knows I'll get some plots from it or maybe they can match my story drafts. Thank you once again and have a nice day!

Panpan ♡

Golden Triangle will be posted in few days along with the synopsis, so please stay tuned!

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