Sad News :(

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Hi, guys!

Hmmm... I don't know how to say this. I'm also not sure if you've known about it. I'm sorry. But, right now, I don't think I can continue my on-going story with the same main character. Please don't get me wrong. All this time is a precious memory for me. I was happy writting fan-fiction. I love all my works. I won't change any characters or unpublish my completed stories. I'll keep them as a good memories. However, maybe this is time to say goodbye. I know it's not easy for all of us. But, every beginning has an end. They already have their own path now. So, I'll try to move on and start my new journey.

Along with this announcement, I want to tell you something too. With a heavy heart, I will unpublish the story of the Golden Triangle for the time being. Because, right now, I'm considering to change the main characters with another couple or creating a whole fiction characters. Please let me know your opinion or tell me if you want to recommend another couple. But, I'll surely re-publish it again with the same plot after changing the characters.

Lastly, I want you to know that I am very grateful to all of you who have supported all of my work. I'm happy to find new friends here. Once again please forgive me if my decision makes you uncomfortable. I hope you guys understand.

Panpan ♡

Il SegnoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora