Wolfstar - To celebrate a major victory of a sports team {E}

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There was a tense silence enveloping the Gryffindor common room, everyone holding their breath as they waited. Remus felt someone nudge his elbow, head immediately flying to Mary, who was looking up at him as she started to whisper something through gritted teeth. 

"How long does it take them to get changed?"

"They're nearly here, shut up."

"How do you even know that?"

"I just do. Now shut it, we can't ruin this."

"They've got one minute."

Remus exhaled, turning his face away from the girl against to fix his eyes on the portrait. She had a point. When he'd checked the map two minutes ago, they were practically just around the corner. Just as Remus thought abut summoning the map, there was an unmistakable click from the portrait. Everyone shared quick glances, wands at the ready, watching the quidditch team finally stumble through the hole. 

Immediately, everyone in the common room repeated the incantation that Remus had put together, releasing red and gold, room-safe fireworks into the air, catching the attention of each of the players. 

They stood, just inside the room, wide smiles on all of their faces. Remus, who was stood at the front of the crowd with Mary, Lily and Peter, waved to James, Sirius and Marlene. Each of them ran over, smiles not leaving their faces.

"Oh my god, Remus, this is sick," Marlene exclaimed as she pulled him into a, reluctant, hug. He simply thanked her as she went to hug the other two girls, after Lily had been released from James' bear hug, which had lifted her off of her feet. He strode over to Remus, wrapping his arms around him before throwing him a charming, slightly crooked, grin.

"Potter, off, now."

James only held his hands up, in mock surrender, and walked back over to the redhead, passing Sirius on his way.

In three steps, Sirius had crossed the common room and grabbed the collar of Remus' jumper, pulling him down into a kiss. Remus smiled to himself, wrapping his arms around the shorter as they continued, faintly registering the cheers from their housemates (and wolf-whistle from James, obviously). Sirius finally pulled away, breathing heavily, leaving his hands on his boyfriends hips and tilting his head so that they made eye-contact.

"You did all this?"

The faintest trace of a blush crossed Remus' cheeks as he nodded, pushing a stray piece of the boy's hair behind his ear. "What did you expect? We won the cup!" He replied, yelling the last bit to the whole room as Sirius moved to rest against his side.

Another round of cheers, that were sure to come back and bite them in the ass the next morning, filled the room, some students releasing more fireworks.

It had been a long year. A long, bittersweet year. There really wasn't a better time for Gryffindor to win the house cup, than the Marauders' last year at Hogwarts. There also wasn't anyone you could trust more to throw one hell of a party as a celebration.

It didn't take long for the party to get going. In fact, Remus and the girls had a few shots in their pre-celebration, while the team had still been changing. After what couldn't have been more than an hour, the common room seemed to be about to burst at the seams with drunk, and horny, teenagers. The lions on all of the decorative banners roared occasionally, each time pulling a cheer from the crowd. Bowie flowed out of Sirius' record player, that Remus had lugged downstairs earlier, and there were people dancing everywhere. 

Much to Lily's horror, although she couldn't hide the smile as she watched, James was now dancing suggestively on one of the tables, throwing her odd glances and winks every so often. 

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