Wolfstar - To avoid cleaning, studying, or doing work {E}

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Remus sighed and cast his eyes across the table, taking in Sirius' position opposite him. They were sat in the library, studying for their transfiguration NEWT that was coming up. Well, Remus was studying, Sirius seemed to be trying to build a house out of a mixture of books, parchment, quills and the random bottle of nail polish that he'd found at the bottom of the bag. 

"What? I really need to get this done because otherwise I'm not going to have time to until Monday, as in, the day before our exam," Remus replied, pointedly. Tomorrow was the full moon, one of the last at Hogwarts, and would inevitably put Remus out of commission for the rest of the weekend. 

"Sorry Moons, forgot," Sirius muttered, fiddling with his tie. 

Remus sent him a slightly softer look, poking his arm quickly. "It's okay, Pads, just let me have another like half an hour and then we can go on a quick walk to clear our heads. Maye Padfoot wants to play fetch?"

Almost immediately, Sirius perked up and nodded, moving to disassemble his book house. It seemed like Remus had gotten through to him because he flipped to the page he was meant to be revising and began scribbling down notes about animagi, giggling to himself as he read about how difficult it was meant to be.

It was nearly forty-five minutes later when Remus closed his book and sighed, carding his fingers through his hair. "You ready for a break, Pads?" He asked, smiling at the fact that Sirius seemed to be fully focussed on his work. 

He instantly lifted his head and nodded, pushing his book away from himself and standing up. 

Remus laughed, again, and lead the both of them out of the doors and headed towards the edge of the courtyard. They quickly ducked behind a bush, so that Sirius could transform whilst Remus collected a small bundle of Padfoot-proof sticks. The back dog trotted out of the bush, sitting in front of his mate, tail wagging. 

They played for a while, letting Sirius get as much of his energy out as possible. Eventually, Padfoot got tired of chasing sticks and decided that the peacefully-resting birds were much more interesting. Remus took the opportunity to sit back against a tree, pulling his little tin box of pre-rolled cigarettes out of his robe pocket and lighting one with the end of his wand.  

He watched Padfoot running along the edge of the black lake, snapping at birds and rolled in the shallows. It took him approximately two minutes before he lost all sense of himself and jumped straight into the lake, missing a robin by a single feather. 

"Really?" Remus sighed, shaking his head as a sopping-wet Padfoot trotted up to him. He stood just a little too close before shaking his coat vigorously, scattering water all over the brunette, before turning back into his usual - soggy - human form.

"Love you, Moony," Sirius sang, laying back against his boyfriend's lap and reaching for a cigarette himself. Remus shrugged but couldn't keep the smile off of his face, fiddling with a piece of Sirius' hair. After he finished his own cigarette, Remus took to twisting small portions of Sirius' hair into loose braids, untying and then retying them.

After another few minutes, Remus shifted Sirius from his lap and stood up, pulling Sirius up as well. "Come on, if we don't get back soon, we'll never get back." Sirius sighed but followed Remus comfortably. They settled back into their seats and eventually got back to their work, Remus falling right back into where he needed to be while Sirius seemed to have returned to his earlier state of restlessness, this time scribbling crude doodles onto the bottom of his notes. 

In his study-trance, Remus didn't notice the fact that Sirius had slipped from his seat. It wasn't until the brunette felt a hand wrap around the back of his calf. He pushed his chair back slightly, noticing his boyfriend on his knees, staring up at him with a classic Sirius Black grin spread across his face. 

"Sirius, no, we're in the library and I'm trying to work. Wait an hour," he whisper-shouted, trying to shake Sirius' hand off of his leg. The elder was persistent though, because he simply shook his head and tightened his grip. 

"That's half of the fun though, isn't it, Moons."

Remus rolled his eyes and bit the inside of his cheek, trying to convince his boyfriend that this wasn't going to happen. It wasn't long before he sighed and gave in, though, giving his boyfriend the go-ahead nod. He tucked his chair back in and tried to get back to his work, brain instantly falling to the boy under his table. 

Slowly, Sirius pulled down the zipper of his boyfriend's trousers, helping him shimmy his boxers down just enough. He couldn't help but smile to himself at the sight of the brunette growing beneath his hands. 

"Just make it quick, you little shit," Remus hissed, only egging Sirius on even more. 

Pretty quickly, Sirius took Remus into his mouth, smirking at the soft gasp that left his boyfriend's mouth. He continued until his nose came in contact with Remus; pelvis, running his hands up and along his thighs. Sirius ran his tongue along the length of Remus' dick, swallowing the thin stream of precum that had accumulated around the tip. 

Without thinking, one of Remus' hands fell onto his boyfriend's head, taking a hold of a handful of hair at the base of his skull. Sirius let out a soft moan of his own, revelling in the feeling of the brunette pulling his hair. The moan sent a gentle vibration down Remus' length, making him dig his teeth into his bottom lip, far too aware of the fact that they were still in the library. 

Sirius started bobbing his head quicker, hollowing his cheeks slightly. The brunette's hand tightened in his hair, indicating that he wasn't too far away from finishing. "Jesus, Pads, keep going like that and I'm not gonna last long," he whispered, catching Sirius' eye. He only nodded, continuing at his new pace, keeping eye contact with his boyfriend. 

With only an extra tug on Sirius' hair as a warning, Remus was spilling into his mouth, panting slightly. The elder pulled off of his boyfriend and shimmied back up into his chair, still not having swallowed. He locked eyes with Remus and, with a typical grin, swallowed; running his thumb along the corner of his lips. Remus only shook his head, leaning over the table to hold Sirius firmly by the chin. 

"I'll return the favour back in the dorm, but for now, you need to study," he whispered, planting a firm but sweet kiss against his lips. 

Sirius only returned a sappy smile and nodded, settling into his seat and flipping back to his page in his transfiguration book, constantly giving Remus eyes across the table. 

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