Drarry - Because it's getting a little hard {E}

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Harry was going to explode.

In all honesty, this had been his idea, but he wasn't going to admit that to himself, because that meant he was to blame. No, he was going to blame Draco. That evil, insufferable, fucking gorgeous bastard. 

It had all started last night. They were laid in bed together, basking in the general afterglow of sex, Draco massaging the marks on Harry's wrists and whispering sweet words in his ear, when the words had just tumbled out of Harry's mouth. He'd thought that he'd just been thinking it, but Draco's face had told him that he'd actually said them out loud.

"I wish you could control me like that all the time."


Harry immediately tilted his head, flushing as his eyes scanned his boyfriend's face. Okay, so he hadn't meant to say that, but Draco's face right now wasn't making him regret it as much as he thought he would. There was a definite redness taking over and his eyes, while wide, were currently more pupil than wispy grey. 

"Do you really mean that, love?" Draco whispered. "As in, not just in the bedroom, but wherever we go?"

Harry only gulped and kept his eye-contact, nodding slowly. 

That was how Harry had found himself sat in his office, doing paperwork with Draco, with a vibrator up his arse. One that Draco could control, for that matter.

He shifted involuntarily, immediately stilling as he felt the toy brush against his prostate, not missing the smirk that hadn't left Draco's face all morning. When he looked at the clock on the wall, Harry groaned internally at the fact that it had only been less than an hour since they'd arrived at the ministry . 

"Draco, fuck- please," he whispered, eyes pleading to the top of Draco's head as he continued working. The blonde only lifted his head slightly, raising an eyebrow. 


"Please Dr-sir, more, please."

Draco simply scoffed at Harry's begging, twirling his wand between his fingers in an oddly menacing motion. "What do you want, Harry? You promised me you could last an hour. It's only been-" He checked the slim watch wrapped around his wrist. "Forty-seven minutes."

Fuck, it genuinely felt like it had been hours.

"I just need a little bit, just play with me, please. I can last till the hour."

Draco's eyebrow rose further and his wand halted between his fingers. "You can last thirteen minutes? Right now you look pretty desperate."

Harry only nodded, right hand wrapped around his quill just a bit too tightly. He let out a squeak as he felt the toy suddenly pick up a light rhythm, sending immediate shockwaves up his spine as he bit back a whine. 

"Thirteen minutes."

It was fine at first. Harry was able to continue working, becoming used to the soft vibration against his skin, as his cock fully hardened. For the first time that morning, he'd been able to look at the clock and notice that a chunk of time had actually passed. 

Five minutes passed before Draco cleared his throat, pulling Harry's attention towards him. 

"Does that feel good, darling?"

Harry only nodded, a feeling in his stomach telling him that maybe he shouldn't have.

"Good," was his boyfriend's response, who only dropped his head and continued with his work. However, his free hand under the table must've been holding his wand because, suddenly, the vibrations inside Harry increased at least three levels. 

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