Drarry - For stress relief {E}

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Draco shut the door with just a bit too much force, but he couldn't bring himself to focus on that, he'd had one of the worst days for a long time. All down to his students. Usually, Draco loved his job. He was so grateful to be offered the position, he loved his students (even if he pretended he didn't) and he loved the fact that he got to come up with new ways to make potions exciting, but everyone had been testing him that day. 

Firstly, he'd only received half of the essays that were due from his sixth year Gryffindors. He'd found out, later that day, that Gryffindor had held a pretty messy celebration party after their quidditch win, meaning most of his students were hungover during first lesson. He'd then had three separate first years blow up their cauldrons, spilling giggling potion over a total of about fifteen students and ending his lesson prematurely. To end his, already shitty, day Draco had also managed to take a wrong turn on his way through the castle, ending up in the hallway that was home to the portraits of those who died in the war. 

Needless to say, ten years wasn't enough for some of them to change their opinions of the blonde.

"Draco?" Harry called, walking into the living room in a faded band t-shirt and a pair of pyjama bottoms (they were Draco's, too long and rolled up at the ankle). Shit, he'd told Harry that he was going to stay for the feast that night and work on a new potion afterwards, specifying that he shouldn't wait up for him. 

"Oh, love, shit, I'm sorry. I completely forgot I said I was staying tonight, I ended up having a really fucking stressful day and before I knew it I was walking home. Did I wake you up?" Draco whispered, smiling as Harry crossed the room and stepped into his space. 

He shook his head, soft smile on his face as he ran his hands along Draco's arms. 

"Babe, it's literally just gone seven. I'm not that old. You could join me for the movie I was just about to start, though, if you're really stressed." Draco nodded, non-committedly, and slid his robes off of his shoulders, toeing his shoes off and onto their rack by the door. He didn't feel like he could sit down yet. There was so much energy running through his veins, all of his stress and frustration from the day bubbling to the surface. 

As usual, Harry was in-tune with his husband's emotions and picked up on the weird mood he was in. 

"Or, we could do something else."

Draco laughed softly, although not quite happily, and took Harry's hands off his arms, cradling them softly in his own and placing a soft kiss to each of his palms. "Hmm, what could I do instead?"


Draco let out a proper laugh at that, even leaning forward to rest his forehead against Harry's shoulder, who was now laughing as well. "Okay, so maybe I shouldn't have said it quite like that, but the point still stands. If you're stressed or riled up, you could always take it out on me. I don't mind."

Draco hummed in agreement, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist and pulling him flush against his body. "I can get on board with that idea. What did you have in mind?"

Harry chuckled softly.

"Well, what's been stressing you out today?" 

"Is this really how we're starting sex?" Harry rolled his eyes and nodded, urging Draco to talk about his day. Once he realised that his husband was being serious, Draco relaxed into Harry's touch and started talking about his day. "Everything just felt so out of control. Half of my Gryffindors were hungover this morning, some of my first years made their cauldrons explode and then I ended up in the bloody commemoration hallway, by accident. They still all have a lot of things to say about my decisions," he sighed, letting go of everything that had been on his mind all day. 

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