#14 Crying over spilled milk

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Here's another thought.

"If crying could solve problems, then the whole world would stop to do that only."

When a crisis strikes, crying or panicking is the instinctive response. But if you wish to succeed and become something in life, then your first reaction should always be 'fight' or how to logically tackle the situation. It's also mentioned in Hadith, "The real patience is at the first stroke of a calamity." (Sahih al-Bukhari 1302)

But obviously you can only develop this trait with lots of training and after going through countless failures. However, the lesson to learn is that it's okay if your first reaction is crying right now, but after that the only thing you SHOULD be doing is 'crisis management' because you're not done yet. You have a long way and far ahead to go InshaAllah♥️

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