Ch. 5 Do you have a driver's license?

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Paul silently looked out the window, and he watched his scenery going by him quickly since Charlie entered the highway from the airport. He frowned, contemplating whether or not to stop by his place.

Paul grumbled, looking and feeling annoyed since he didn't want to interact with his father. He knew that once he stepped into the house, his old man would ask him about the money his maternal grandparents were giving him to support him financially. They have been supporting him for many years due to being their only grandchild and since he is still a minor despite being seventeen.

' One more year. Remember, Paul Lahote. You have one more year left till you are eighteen, and you can walk out of that awful place and find a house that you can call home and share it with your future family,' Paul tells himself, and he shyly glanced at Avery when he mentioned his future family.

' I wonder if Jared is okay with me chilling at his place. Then again, he is probably at school since today is a Monday,' Paul changes the subject while sighing sadly.

Avery's chocolate brown eyes blink when she hears a sigh coming from behind her. She turns her gaze slightly to the outside rearview mirror, and she sees Paul looking a bit sad.

' I wonder what is on Paul's mind?' Avery asked, looking and sounding curious.

Avery looks away, and she turns her gaze to her cellphone that is in her grasp.

' I should check up on him and see how he is doing,' Avery tells herself, looking and sounding nervous.

Avery goes onto her text messages, and she begins to text Paul.

" Hey, Airplane Buddy! It's me, the coolest Snowflake, you know, lol. I just wanted to chat with you if you are cool with that. I figured that Dad is too busy driving to even focus on talking to me, lol," Avery sends the text message.

Paul immediately gets tensed when he feels his cell phone vibrate. He lightly bites his lips, contemplating whether or not to respond, thinking that it is his old man.

Paul soon gave in, and he grabbed his cell phone, turning it on. His dark eyes widened in surprise when he saw a text notification from Avery. A wide smile appeared on his face after he finished reading her text message, and he immediately began to respond to her.

" Not at all! What do you want to talk about?" Paul asked, sounding amused.

" I know the last time I went to Forks/the Quileute Tribe was in the summer of 2002. So, it has been almost three years since I step foot there. But, I was wondering what has happened since I last been there?" Avery asked, sounding curious.

" Well. For me, not much. For almost three years, I only get to see my Mom and her side of the family during Christmas time. So, summers have been boring ever since you stopped visiting. I mean! Everyone in the Quileute tribe and Forks misses you, and not much has changed! It's still the same ol' small town and tribe," Paul responded.

Avery internally giggles when she reads Paul's text message, thinking that he is adorable when he gets flustered.

" Aww! You missed me, lol :P I am sorry I wasn't there for you during those years. It must be difficult not seeing your Mom that much. I mean, I rarely saw my dad growing up, but I'm glad I get to live with him now :(

But, don't worry! Your Snowflake has returned, and if you ever want to talk or want to hang out. I am your girl!" Avery happily texted.

Paul beamed, internally feeling happy to hear that Avery wanted to be there for him.

" Sure! And if you ever want to talk or want to hang out. I am also your boy!" Paul responded.

Avery softly smiled, looking pleased that Paul didn't mind wanting to be there for her.

" Hey. I know it is sudden and you are probably busy. But do you want to hang out this upcoming weekend? You know to catch up and stuff.

Oh! I remember! You know Leah and Seth Clearwater. Their birthdays are on the weekend. You can be my plus one, lol. But, I figure their parents invited Chief Swan, so maybe um you are going to?" Paul asked, sounding nervous.

Avery internally gasped since she forgot that Leah and Seth Clearwater's birthdays are in this weekend, according to the Twilight Official Illustrated Guide. She excitedly nods her head since she wants to become friends with the Clearwater siblings since the two siblings are some of her favorite characters.

" Sure! I'm down. Hope to see you at the party!" Avery responded.

" Great!" Paul widely smiled, looking and feeling much better now that he feels as though he and Avery are getting closer again.

" Hey, Bells," Charlie calls out, grabbing Avery and Paul's attention.

" Hm?" Avery and Paul hummed at the same time as they lifted their heads to stare at Charlie.

" Do you have a driver's license?" Charlie asked, looking and sounding curious while staring at the road.

" I do! I got my Driver's license during my sophomore year. So, not that long ago. Mom and I took turns using the car that year. Then Mom met Phil, and he let her use his car whenever he had baseball practice while she let me use her car," Avery babbled, feeling surprised she remembered those memories. However, she figured those memories must have come from Bella's old life before she, herself, took over the main character's body.

" Great!" Charlie smiled, which Avery noticed.

" Why?" Avery asked, looking and sounding curious even though she was aware of what Charlie would say next.

" You see. Billy was going to sell this truck he had in his garage. And um as your Welcome Home Gift and Late Christmas Gift. I have decided to buy that said truck. His son, Jacob, has been fixing it up for me, making sure it is safe for you to drive," Charlie tells Avery, looking and sounding nervous.

" I um hope you are okay with that," Charlie akwardly laughs since he was afraid Avery wouldn't like his surprise gift.

Avery beamed, looking and feeling happy that Charlie thought of her when he bought the truck.

" Aww! Thanks, Dad. You didn't have to, but I appreciate it! I can't wait to see the truck," Avery tells Charlie, looking and sounding happy.

" Cool. Cool," Charlie softly smiled, looking and sounding relieved.

Paul silently stared at the Swan's, looking and feeling glad that Avery finally had a car because that lets him know that she could hang out with him at any time that she wanted.

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