Chapter 5- Meme finally arrives

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Blaza had arrives at Socks house about a week ago now and now Im finally ready and packed to leave my mums house and leave to go live with Socks and the guys, bringing along my dog because I love him too much to leave him with my mum and anyways, he was given to me when I was younger.

I had gotten all my main stuff such as my clothes and toiletries in my suitcase, while my bigger stuff like my computer and my gaming and filming stuff was on its way on a boat. The person on the loudspeaker called the final flight to America and I hoped on to the plane with my suitcase in the luggage area, and my dog in a cage in the pets section on the plane. On the flight there, I got out my phone and earphones and put on some music, then I started texting the guys group chat, I texted

Hey guys, Im on the plane now, just left, cant wait to see you all Irl. Idk when I will arrive, but Ill text you guys when Im about 1 hour or so away 😊. There was instantly a reply from Socks

Hey Meme, cant wait to see you too, we live about 1 hour 10 minutes away from the airport so maybe text us when you about 1 and a half away from landing, oh yea and guess what, I found out that Nadwe lives less than half an hour or so away from us, so we will be visiting him too and hanging out with him a lot 😂

Ok sounds like a plan, and wait really, cool, cant wait, Ima text him now I sent back, did he really like less than half an hour away from my new home or was Socks just pulling my leg?

Yea dude Socks came and told us that yesterday and we were all shocked, so we went on Discord and called him and made some plans to hangout Tuesday next week Tbh texted on the group chat. It was Tuesday today so that was 1 week away, cool.

Sound good man was all I could think of to text back.


I just woke up after falling asleep to some relaxing music in my earphones to hear the pilot on the loudspeaker saying we were landing in 2 hours, so I got my phone out from my pocket and texted the guys again,

Hey again guys, Im landing in 2 hours, just letting you know so maybe start driving to the airport, oh and on the way can you go to some fast-food place or something and get me a salad wrap please, they only have tiny bags of nuts on the plane, I HATE NUTS AND IM SO HUNGRY, PLEASE I texted to them and soon got a reply from Blaza

Hey Meme, were out at lunch but we will leave soon, Tbh is still eating but the rest of us are finished so well leave soon. And sure, Ill order a salad wrap for you now 😂 he texted back, I felt like I could actually hear them laughing loudly as Blaza read the message but that was impossible as they werent here.


~Blaza POV ~

I just finished eating my last chip when I feel a vibration from my phone in my pocket, I take it out after wiping the salt from the chips off my hands, it was Meme, I finish chewing and read his message to Socks, Laff and Tbh,

Hey guys Meme texted us on the group chat, Ill read the text allowed as you guys finish eating I begin

Ooo I wonder what does Meme have to say Tbh Muffled almost spitting out bits of food as he continued chewing his huge Rueben sandwich

Eww dont speak with your mouth full Tbh thats gross Socks complained

Shut up I hissed ok Meme says, Hey again guys, Im landing in 2 hours, just letting you know so maybe start driving to the airport, oh and on the way can you go to some fast-food place or something and get me a salad wrap please, they only have tiny bags of nuts on the plane, I HATE NUTS AND IM SO HUNGRY, PLEASE I Imitated Memes voice the best that I could, laughing as I finished reading the text, Socks laughed with me while Tbh tried not to choke on the last bit of the sandwich and Laff patted his back to stop him from choking, His eyes were watering, we were all still laughing hysterically as Socks finished his beer, dang now Socks is 21 he and Laff can Legally drink together now. After we all stopped laughing, we all stand up and they head to the car to wait while I go order Memes wrap.

I order his wrap and it comes really quickly, then I head to the car and we leave for the airport, Luckily we were only an hour away so we would be there soon.

~Meme POV~

After about another 2 hours on the plane we were finally landing and I was so nervous, I had butterflies as I waited outside the airport leading to the carpark with my huge navy blue suitcase and Macu in his cage in each hand when I see a black van drive towards me to park in the free spot in front of me and Laff in the front seat next to Socks who was driving with Im guessing Tbh in the backseat looking at me through the window and Blaza sitting Next to him. They all jump out and Socks comes over to hug me and I hug him back, then he breaks away.

Hey Meme, cant believe your actually here I hear Socks say first

Same here Socks, Im so excited, I cant believe Im actually here in real life. And geez who is this man, your Socks, your Laff, your Blaza, but who is this? I jokingly say, pointing at each of them then stopping at Tbh

I know Laff and I were both so shocked when we went to pick him up, he was standing right there where you are waiting for us Socks chimed in still laughing and pointing to the floor to there I was standing. All Tbh could so was laugh and scratch the back of his neck as all I could do was stare at his goatee, he had the same hair colour as me, Black.

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