Chapter 12- Playing Among us IRL

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The Lady handed us each a pen (to cross off completed tasks) and our list of tasks selected at random from out of a hat (not one of Nadwes) and on the top of the piece of paper on the inside was our roles, then she left and closed the door behind her leaving us standing in cafeteria, I stayed in cafeteria to see what my role was while everyone else separated to somewhere else. I dont know what everyone elses roles were, but I was the Imposter and on my list I was told that the fake knife was taped under the table on the upper left hand side aka what Socks, Meme and Tbh called The Cool Kid Table so when everyone was completely out of sight, I pretended I was going over to do download in the upper right corner but I quickly went under the table on the left and grabbed the fake knife.

~Meme POV~

I walked to Medbay, obviously, to see what my role was, when I got there, I unfolded the paper and I was just a Crewmate sadly, so I went off to do my first few tasks in Electrical.

~Socks POV~

I went into reactor to see what my role was because I didnt want anyone seeing, so while everyone walked off to somewhere else, I arrived in reactor and looked, I was the Doctor so I could revive someone if they died. On the paper it said that there was a sheet of red plus signs taped under the desk in Comms which were to stick to a dead crewmate to revive them, so I headed to Comms to collect them.

~Nadwe POV~

I decided to go to Navigation to see what my role was, so when I got there, I opened up my sheet of paper and it said sheriff, yess I love this role, it also said that there was a nerf gun on the chair in Navigation, how lucky to already be there. I walked over to the chairs and there it was, a small nerf gun with 10 bullets next to it, so I grabbed the bullets and put them in the pocket of my onesie then went off to do my first task and look for anyone acting sus.

~Laff POV~

I walked to Comms to see what my role was, when I got there, I opened it up and darn I was just a crewmate, so I walked over to Electrical passing, Socks on the way, to do my first tasks.

~TbhHonest POV~

I went into Admin to check my role my arm with the burn felt like it was on fire, and I had to be careful when doing stuff. Anyway, I opened my task sheet, and I was disappointed to see that I was just a Crewmate. I moved over to the card swiper and picked up one of the cards stacked neatly next to the machine and swiped it first time, it said completed on the screen thats how I knew it got if on my first try, then crossed it off my list with the pen and left to do the remainder of my tasks.

~Socks POV~

After I'd finished doing my tasks in electrical, I walked to Medbay and did scan which was just a bunch of colourful lights flashing around you then stopping which showed you it was finished, after I finished scanning, I walked over to Meme who had just walked in and kissed his cheek then whispered,

"I'm the Doctor so if you die, I'll revive you" then I walked off to the left to see Blaza standing next to Tbh who was lying on the ground dead in Upper Engine, Blaza quickly ran off and I gave Tbh a sticker

"this is how I revive people" I told him then ran to the emergency meeting button and the meeting was called, everyone came to the button and sat at the table in the middle of the room

"Hahahaha Blaza" I yelled when everyone had arrived "caught red handed, see everyone, I was talking to Meme in Medbay and when I walked out to go to reactor to see Blaza holding a fake knife, standing over Tbh who was dead on the floor, I revived him because I'm the doctor, and then this man had the guts ro just run away, Kick this man out!" I dramatically yell to everyone, I now standing on the table pointing at Blaza. We all vote Blaza out which was opening the door where the windows should be in between the top tables and kicking him into 'space', and we won because he had to show us his task sheet. we stayed there playing for 3 hours like Blaza had booked and we even got to keep the outfits because 1. they were brand new and 2. Blaza payed for them. On the way home we were all so tired but we thanked Blaza and everyone, except me because I was driving, had fallen asleep.

"guys we're home" I whispered as I shook each of them awake, they all got out and went straight to bed, not bothering about food or showering. I wasn't that tired so I had a quick shower then went to watch some Tv before I went to sleep. I must have fallen asleep on the couch because this didn't feel like my bed, so I managed to pull myself up and walk to my actual bed and flopped on it, as soon as I hit the mattress I fell asleep again.

936 words- sorry for the shorter chapter guys

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