Chapter 33- Hidden Scars

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*Trigger Warming: mentions of self harm*

~Tbh POV~

Blaza came to pick us all up after Laff was discarded and now Laff and I are sitting in the back seat with Meme too while I cling to Laff, not wanting to let go.

"To try and lighten the depressing mood in here, I bumped into Medz at the shops and we talked for a bit and he said that he's been talking to Joocie a lot through Discord and that he really likes him" Meme suddenly says

"That's so cool, he should come by to visit after Joocie has moved in" Blaza answers as we turn onto our street

"yea that would be nice to catch up with him in person again" I answer, and as I was sitting on the left side of the car, I could see Socks in the front seat looking annoyed. We then pulled into the driveway and we all got out and went inside to be greeted with the refreshing aircon. Laff went to lay down on the couch and rest a bit so before he could go upstairs, I grabbed Socks arm and dragged him into the kitchen where it was empty

"woah woah, what's up" Socks asks as I cross my arms across my chest and face him

"You were getting annoyed we were talking about Medz in the car weren't you" I confront him and he looks away

"fine I was but it's not just that, If Medz comes and visits when Joocie is moved in, I'm scared he'll try and get back with Meme even though he knows I'm with him" Socks replies sounding really jealous

"No way you're jealous. Meme wouldn't leave you for him after everything that happened, and though Meme told me that he forgave him a long time ago, it still haunts him; like the pain he caused Meme after they broke up destroyed him but thanks to me, I helped him slowly recover" I tell Socks

"what do you mean destroyed him" Socks asks

"well, as you know Meme and I have been best friends since we were 12 and lived near each other, anyways so after they broke up Meme went into a really deep state of depression and I would often pop by his house to see how he was going and I would almost always walk in on him either in the middle of slitting his wrists, upper thighs, chest, or ankles. That or I would find him passed out on his bed with some kind of sharp blade next to him with fresh blood on it, and as his parents were always working late, they had no idea" I explain as Socks wipes tears from his eyes,

"He didn't know how to deal with the pain, I made music or would play games to help myself through the pain so that's how Meme got into gaming, because I told him to try do other things to distract himself and it worked, he stopped it all and played games instead, you can still see some of the scars on his body though" I continue and at this point Socks was crying, so I pull him into a hug

"I had no idea Meme had to go through all that, 2 years ago we were friends because we met through a game we were both in" Socks sniffles

"Meme did do some gaming before Medz so that must have been when you guys met but not as much during and a lot after to help himself recover" I answer

"yea I would often not hear from him about 3 months after we met which was weird because we spoke everyday then suddenly he went silent for 2 weeks and then we started talking again a lot through discord, every single day" Socks thinks allowed, all his tears were now gone

"he was really depressed for about that time so I guess that's when that all happened" I admit

"I still can't believe Meme would ever do that to himself" Socks says as he stares off into the abis

"Lets go back out to talk with everyone else now hey" I say snapping him back to reality

"oh y-yea come on" Socks says as we walk into the lounge room where Laff is still asleep in all the pillows and we can hear the others laughing from Blaza's room so we all go upstairs to see Meme, Nadwe, Ally and Blaza all sitting in a circle on the floor playing truth or dare

"Oh hey guys, wanna join us?" Meme asks but is suddenly pulled up by Socks and then brought to another room so I sit down and start playing with the others while Socks and Meme talk.

~Meme POV~

Socks had pulled me up and brought me to our room, then locked the door and we sat down on the bed, but I have absolutely no idea what's going on.

"Socks why did you drag me away from the game? what's wrong?" I ask confused as I look at the man next to me

"Tbh told me all about you state of depression after Medz and you broke up and I wanted to ask if I could see the scars, if you still have any" he asks and my eyes go wide

"I-I" I begin

"you don't have to if your not comfortable with it" he suddenly says

"n-no it's ok, you have a right to know about what happened and you can see them if you want to it's just that I haven't spoken to anyone about it since I told Tbh all that had happened with Medz and I 2 days after we broke up, Tb then helped me recover and I can't thank him enough for helping me" I tell Socks and he pulls me in for a hug as I rest my head in the crook of his neck. we stay like this for a minute or so before he pulls away and I show him my bare wrist, I had a short sleeve shirt on. You could still see the white scars on my wrists and he looks at them before slowly touching them and looking up at me with sad eyes. I pull my wrists away and take off my shirt and I could see him blush a bit when I did that, which made me smile but I then show him where abouts the ones on my chest are, just above my heart and below my collar bones; the scars on my chest are more faint as I didn't go as deep on my chest, then I bring my ankle onto the bed and lift up my pant leg slightly and you could see a few long white scars on my ankle and also a few short ones.

"I would have never thought you'd do that to yourself Meme" Socks suddenly said

"That's what Tbh said when he caught me doing it in my bedroom while my parents were at work, I had shown him where the house key was hidden outside because he was my best friend" I admit to Socks

"he had done it before himself but because he had hated himself for a long time because of the way he looked, but then he decided to work out more and eat healthier and eventually he was happy, and when he found out I cut myself like he used to him self he said to me 'if I managed to stop harming myself can you please promise me that you can too, I regret doing it and I'm sure you will too if you continue'" I repeat his words as I sniffle, starting to get teary eyed

"I agreed because I knew he was right, and I do, I do regret doing it but nothing I can do now to change it can I?" I say after Socks wipes the tears that were falling down my cheeks

"Shhhhh, it's ok baby" he comforts as he hugs me again and I wipe away my own tears in the hug

"I know" I answer as I pull out of the hug and kiss him for about 5 seconds before pulling away and I was about to put my shirt back on again when he kissed me again but this time it was for way longer, Then he pulled away again smiling

1406 words, sorry if that chapter triggered you at all

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