Chapter 22- Possible New Member and Getting Frisky

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~Meme POV~


I walk out of Nadwe's room giggling with my hands in my pockets and from up the top of the stairs I call for Socks and he comes running to me and pulls me into a hug, my face was in his neck because he is so much taller than me

"what's up?" he asks me after letting go

"well I need to ask you something big for Nadwe, but you have to agree with this..." I begin grabbing his hand and pulling him into his or our room I don't know what to call it anymore

"ok? what is it?" he curiously asks with an adorable expression on his face

"well Nadwe wants to know if Madalyn, his girlfriend, can join the gang?" I ask sitting him down onto the bed next to me

"I mean sure but what about if they break up?" he starts

"Look I understand where your coming from but it would mean so much to Nadwe and besides if one of us broke up it would be the same, like awkward but that doesn't matter right now, what matters is that you agree and then we can tell Nadwe the news and make Madalyn a cake welcoming her to the gang" I excitedly say "and if you still don't agree then I know what to do to convince you" I giggle giving him a devilish look

"ok fine, go tell Laff to make the cake" He finally agrees "but Meme" he calls to me as I'm about to leave the room "what would you do if I said no?" he smirks with an eyebrow raised

"well I can still do it to you if you want?" I suggest

"awesome tonight at around 11:30 when we know everyone is asleep hey?" he giggles then stands up and grabs my hand then we walk to Nadwe's room to see that he's asleep so we decide to go downstairs and tell everyone else, but also to get Laff to make the cake, He agrees and goes into the kitchen and starts working on the cake. After about half an hour of making it, it was done and it smelt and looked amazing,

"Laff you outdid yourself" I compliment

"Thanks Meme" he replies

"great job" Tbh softly says and waddles over to Laff to give him a hug, they stand there for like a minute before Laff pulls away and puts the cake into the fridge to keep it from going bad

"where is Nadwe by the way?" Tbh chirps sitting on a stool

"he's asleep" Socks and I say in union, we then look at each other lovingly and laugh

Warning: sexual behaviour in next bit so if you will get uncomfortable or smth in this bit then don't read it- just writing this gives me butterflies wtf :I


It was now 11:30 at night and everyone was asleep which was perfect, so I rolled over in Socks bed and woke him up, he groaned then sat up rubbing his eyes

"wha? Meme are you ok? what's happening?" he sleepily said

"remember earlier this afternoon how I said I had something planned for you if you said no to Madalyn joining our group but you said yes and still wanted me to do what I was going to do to you is you said no" I tried to explained

"oh yea" he said sounded so awake all of a sudden and he leaned over and started kissing me on the lips, his lips were a little crusty so I pulled away and grabbed my lip balm and put some on his lips then we continued to full on make out. After kissing for about 2 minutes or so we pulled away and gasped for air, then got out of our bed sheets and I pushed Socks down onto the bed and was in hovering over the top of him, then I put my face down and kissed him for about 30 seconds before pulling away and pulled him up so he was sitting up and I sat down into his lap with my legs around his waist, I could feel his dick on mine through our shorts, he had a boner, it felt weird but somehow comforting?, not that I haven't seen/touched it maybe before (because we've showered together before) but I really love Socks so much, I can't express how much I'm in love with this man. We continued to make out for a while then he stopped and grabbed the elastic of my shorts and slowly started to pull my pants off until he couldn't because his legs were in the way so he pushed me onto my back and tool them off completely, I wasn't wearing underwear because I was too lazy to put it on so I decided to go commando, after he took my pants off, you could clearly see I had a boner too, even though the lights were off, after taking off my pants he flung them onto the floor and took off my shirt to reveal my torse with my 4 pack, then also flung that onto the floor and started kissing down my chest till he got down to my dick and pulled his head up, all he could say was

"shit Meme, you really love me don't you" and he started to laugh a little bit too loud because we heard a door open so I quickly went under the covers and so did Socks, I cuddled him from behind as we saw Tbh go to walk into the bathroom but he looked into the room and somehow saw my clothes on the floor

"god Socks and Meme really need to clean up this room, it's getting so messy" he said to himself, he was only wearing his shorts nothing else, then he walked into the bathroom and locked the door to take a shit or something, then Socks turned his head around as far as he could as we were still laying down under the bed sheets and whispered

"I can feel your cock digging into my ass Meme" I tried so hard not to laugh but I couldn't hold it in and let it out and flopped onto my back laughing quite loudly, I still had the bed sheet over me but you could see my boner pocking up on the other side of the sheet, while I'm still laughing, Socks all of a sudden puts his hand over my mouth and Tbh comes out of the bathroom and walks into Socks and I's room

"Meme, I heard you laughing, what's so funny?" He asks turning on the light and walking over to the bed to see Socks covering my mouth and, oh god, my boner through the sheets

"WAIT, MEME? WHAT WERE YOU GUYS DOING OH MY GOD?" he now yelled for the whole house to hear, at this point it was 12:37am and everyone, including Nadwe came into the room sleepily to see what was happening so they could go back to bed, almost everyone except Sock, and Ally were shirtless, and Blaza had hickey's all over his neck and jaw

"what's going on?" Nadwe asked rubbing his eye and hugging Ally like she was his mum, she hugged him back because why not. I turned onto my side to hide it and cover it with my hands so if they for some reason lifted up the bedsheets, they couldn't see it

"umm Meme was laughing like a hyena when I was in the toilet and I came out and into their bedroom to see his dick poking up through the bed sheets and Socks was covering Meme's mouth, gotta admit though he had a pretty good langht dick" Tbh giggled

"WOAH WHAT?" Laff yelled hugging Tbh's bare chest

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?" Nadwe screamed letting go of Ally and staring at me while Socks was sitting up and trying to cover me up

"JUST GO BACK TO BED, CAN 2 MEN NOT BE IN LOVE?" I screamed to everyone and sitting up but still covering myself up "BESIDES LOOK AT BLAZA'S NECK, IT'S COVERED IN HICKEYS" I continue to scream and grab Sock's face and start to make out with him in front of everyone, they all groaned but what I didn't expect was for Tbh to grab Laff's face and start to make out with him as well, then as I move my eyes over to Blaza and Ally, Blaza had picked her up with her legs wrapped around him and they were also making out, oh god what was happening, poor Nadwe was just standing in the middle of the room looking mortified and upset that his girlfriend- not Monika- wasn't there for him to kiss

"OK everyone, go back to your own bed's now, Socks and I want to get some sleep and you all should probably do the same" I finally say after pulling away from Socks after what seemed like a minute of a room full of couples making out, when I looked over at Laff and Tbh, Laff had one hand roaming through Tbh's curly Brown hair and the other around his waist, and Blaza and Ally just walked out of the room with Blaza still carrying Ally and they were still making out, they have to of been out of breath. Tbh and Laff left the room, Laff still with his hand around Tbh's waist and Nadwe just walked over to the bed, gave me a hug, I have no idea what for, then hugged Socks as well and left the room turning off the lights as he went.

1615 words- wow big chapter but it only gets better from here- I hope anyway

Kiss me back- Socks X MemeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ