Chapter 36- Unexpected but also kinda Expected News

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~A week later~

~Nadwe POV~

It's been a week since Joocie moved in and he, Madalyn and I are still trying to figure out what might have happened 2 years ago between Medz and Meme, but we don't want to ask because then they'll know Joocie eaves dropped on Socks and Meme's conversation in the kitchen. Madalyn was over and her, Joocie and I are going through our notes about the situation in my room whilst also saying possible things that maybe happened when suddenly someone knocks on the door, so I get up and open it to see Meme standing there

"oh hey Meme, what's up?" I ask as Mady and Joocie look at him from on the floor in our little 3 person circle we had created

"ok first of all yall look like your having a fucking cult meeting but I don't even want to ask what the fuck's happening so I'm not gonna and second, Blaza and Ally want everyone to come downstairs because they have some news" Meme explains

"oh god what's the news gonna be, we're getting married, were moving out together, we're going on a holiday?" Joocie laughs thinking of ideas

"lets just go down and find out hey?" Madalyn says and we nod, so they get up and we follow Meme down stairs and sit on the couch where everyone else already was waiting

"Ok so now everyone's here we have some exciting news to tell you guys" Blaza says

"oh god" Tbh mumbles but we all heard

"well um yesterday we found out that um, Ally's pregnant, and after the shock we're now super excited but also really scared and decided we should just let you guys know" Blaza slowly says, what the fuck, I was not expecting that, wait that means they fucked, ewwww I don't want to think about that considering I was probably in the house when they did

"WHAT? YOUR PREGNANT" Meme yells "Blaza as a father will either go horribly wrong or somehow go right" Meme continues, I snicker at that, because he is right

"heyy, I'll be a great dad" Blaza defends

"holy shit was not expecting that" Tbh says in shock as he runs his hand through is brown curly hair

"fuck well c-congratulations guys, our house is already super full but we'll make it work" Sock congratulates them

"the child's gonna be like the younger sibling I never had, congratulations guys" I say and Ally smiles sweetly at me

"oh my gosh" Joocie says

"alright where's the camera, this has to be a prank" Tbh says still in shock

"it's not a prank Tb, I have the test as proof if you wanna see it" Ally says and Tbh leans back on the couch baffled

"we're happy for you two" Laff says as he rubs Tbh's arm

"Well since everyone's here, Meme and I have some news too" Socks says

"more news oh my god ok" Tbh says

"we've decided on a date for our wedding and we've already written all the invites to the people who don't live in the house, we've decided to get married on the 22nd of October, that's in 2 weeks so the invitations can go out and all that and we decided that we wanna get married in our back yard because it's pretty and there's lots of space" Socks explains, finally they've decided on a date and where, they were having a lot of trouble figuring that out

(yes in this book they are in October, get over it)

"oh ok sounds good" Blaza says

"can't wait" I say



~Meme POV~

I can't sleep! Blaza told us Ally was pregnant and ever since I haven't stopped thinking about this kids probably gonna affect us all because we're living in the house too and we'll probably have to help them look after it too because let's face it, it's Blaza and Ally, Blaza can be serious at times but he loves joking around and seems like the dad who's probably gonna drop the kid all the time accidentally. and Ally seems like she'll try take care of it but then get annoyed at it and get pissed off, then give up so then we'll have to help take over.

It's all going to be so different too because they won't have as much time to record video's when the child's born, I'm happy for them and excited but I'm also annoyed because now all our lives are gonna change and I liked everything how it was.

I keep tossing and turning just thinking about how life is gonna change in the next 9 months, Blaza and Ally are pregnant and in about 2 weeks Socks and I are finally getting married, Joocie is dating Medz so I have to keep an eye on him to make sure nothing bad happens and to add onto all of that I've finally hit 1,000,000 subscribers so now I have to do a face reveal and honestly, I'm scared.

(No Meme hasn't actually hit that amount of subs btw, it's just for the book; he has 751k subs on his main channel)

I haven't slept all night so I decided to go and grab some water from downstairs. I get up quietly so that I don't wake up my sleeping fiance who was sleeping soundly next to me, then I quietly open the door and exit the room, leaving it partly open to make it easier for when I come back up. I walk down the stairs and hold onto the hand rail so I don't trip, hearing nothing but a few snores from the guys, I then make my way into the kitchen and walk over to the cup shelf and grab a clean glass and filled it with water, then I walked over to the window and looked up at the sky through it, sipping my water and admiring the beautiful night it was as I tried to relax for a moment and stop thinking about everything.

Id been looking out the window for quite a while now when suddenly I heard a voice behind me and soon felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, hugging me from behind. It was Socks,

"What are you doing down here at 12:45 in the morning" Socks asked as he looked over at the glowing light of the clock in the kitchen

"Couldn't sleep" I reply still looking out the window and placing my free hand on his hands that were around my torso

"I found it hard to sleep when I woke up and rolled over to hug you, but you werent there" he replies, and I giggle

"Sorry, I went to get water and decided to look at the sky for a bit, I havent slept all night because I couldnt stop thinking about how much all of our lives are going to change soon" I answer

"Aww, do you mean by us getting married and Blaza and Ally having a kid, because I've been thinking about that too, like we all know all of us are defiantly gonna have to help them look after it and its gonna be exhausting" Socks laughs

"Yea exactly, Im glad you agree with me, also earlier this afternoon I hit a million subs on my main channel and now I have to do a face reveal, but I'm so nervous to" I reply as I turn to face him and lean my forehead onto his looking down

"What you did?! Thats awesome, congrats babe but if you feel uncomfortable, Ill be there with you, the fans know we live together and who I am, though they dont know were together, maybe we can tell them in the video and give them an update about whats going to be changing well if its ok with Blaza and Ally" Socks answers as he then kisses my cheek sweetly

"That sounds good thanks" I smile "I'm going to take my cup over to the sink, hang on" I say as I quickly put it at the sink then speed walk back over to Socks and hug him

"You're so cute, wanna go back to bed now?" he asks, and I nod but as Im about to walk off, he suddenly picks me up bridal style and starts walking to our bedroom as I put my arms around his neck, holding on tightly and quietly giggle, being careful I dont wake anyone up.

We soon get to our room and Socks plops me onto our bed and closes our door again, then walks back over and we snuggle together under the covers

"Go to sleep now ok, I love you" he says, and I smile as I snuggle into his chest

"I love you too" I reply before eventually drifting off to sleep in his embrace

1483 words, sorry for the wait, my internets been weird so if I'm not uploading in a while it's bc my internets fucked again :)

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