Chapter 42- Dancing and Making Memories

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~Socks POV~

Everyone sat down at one of the 4 tables, Meme and I were sat at the front table. The 4 tables were set up in a kite shape so we were at the top/front table with Meme's parents and my dad at ours while Tbh, Laff, Charlotte, Blaza and Ally were at another together. Then there was Joocie, Medz, Nadwe, Madalyn and Muffin at one of the other ones and last but not least Oompa, Shyana, TBVG, Oof and Woolf and Dino at the last table, we had to get an extra seat at one table because there were 21 people all together.

When everyone was chatting at their tables I stood up nervously with a glass and spoon then tapped it 3 times to get everyone's attention, like in movies, and then I started giving a small speech once everyone's eyes were on me

"I'd just like to thank everyone for being here today to witness the marriage of Meme and I, And to thank my father, and Meme's parents for allowing this marriage to go forward. I hope you're all enjoying yourselves and enjoy the food" I say just keeping it simple and everyone claps as I sit down again before we all dig into the food and chat.

"So Socks how did you end up asking Meme to marry you?" Meme's mum asks me as she then takes a sip of her wine

"well I asked him after dinner, I told him I was taking our plates to the kitchen and after I did I came back and went round the couch to be where he wasn't facing, then Tbh asked him where I was so then he looked around and saw me on 1 knee and then I asked him to marry me" I explain and she smiles

"that's such a cute way of doing it" she responds and I smile

"the funny thing was that I was planning on proposing to him too" Meme says and his parents look at him

"I remember you telling me that you wanted to" his mother reply's

"I feel as though you're the woman in the relationship though" his father says and Meme looks kinda uncomfortable while his dad chuckles and his mother wacks his arm

"there is no one more masculine or feminine in our relationship father" Meme reply's before taking a bite of his chicken

"I'm sure if I asked one of your friends they'd tell me that you're the woman" His father and I could feel my blood boiling, he isn't one to judge Meme and I's relationship

"Memegod isn't more feminine nor more masculine then me, we're just equal per say" I say before his mother asks his father to leave the table and so he does, a few of the guys look over and watch him walk away, my dad looking really awkward

"It's ok Meme, you know he wasn't very happy when he found out you were getting married to a man, it's hard for him as you're his only son and it is breaking tradition but I don't care if it is, and soon he'll adapt to it ok" his mother says to Meme and rubs his arm before getting up to go and speak to his father who had walked over to the edge of the pool to try and calm down

"you ok Meme?" I ask and he just nods slowly before taking a sip of his drink

'he's never accepted me, don't worry about it, let's just have a good time because after all this is our special day" He says and I smile before kissing his cheek and we continue eating

"I didn't care who Socks dated so long he didn't get himself into trouble, but I'm glad he found you" My dad says to Meme and they both smile

"Thanks" Meme smiles and my dad winks and raises his glass of wine in the air


After eating everyone gets up to dance so I pull Meme into a slow dance as Tbh controlled to music before going to dance with Laff

"I'm so happy I got to marry you today" Meme whispers from my shoulder as he had both his arms around my neck and his face in my shoulder while I had my arms around his waist

"Me too" I reply as we continue to dance and all the other couples around dance too whilst Oof and TBVG attempt to dance together and Woolf asks Charlotte to dance and she agrees because her boyfriend was on a work trip and sadly couldn't make, he's a cool dude.

Muffin and Dino just stay seated and chat while Meme's parents had come back and his father said sorry so I hope everything's fine now.

"What are we doing for our honeymoon?" Meme asks as he takes his head out of my shoulder and faces me, our faces inches apart

"I'm not sure but I think I accidentally overheard Tbh and Blaza saying that they'd planned us a honeymoon somewhere already as a surprise" I whisper and he smiles and looks over at Tbh and Laff dancing, then over to Blaza and Ally who were also dancing but had just kissed too

"that's so sweet of them" he replies as he faces me again and leans his face closer but just so our lips were almost touching

"did I tell you that you look amazing in that suit and tie" I say but when I thought he was about to reply he instead just smashes our lips together and we start kissing as the song slowly finishes, his lips are so soft and I wish I could kiss him forever but maybe later because this isn't exactly the best time. We then we pull apart to catch our breath and he looks up at me

"and did I tell you that you look extremely handsome in yours?" he asks and I grin

"no you didn't" I reply as I place my forehead against his as we continue dancing and everyone continues dancing to the new slow song that Tb put on

"Fuck I love you so much" I suddenly say out of nowhere after a minute of us just dancing, and he blushes but smiles happily

"I love you more" he replies and I grin

"Prove it to me later tonight then" I whisper so only he could hear and his eyes widen, he starts blushing frantically and I could feel his heart beat sped up slightly as our chests were touching

"bet" he replies and I smirk to myself again

~Tbh POV~

Socks and Meme we're happily slow dancing together, Meme's arms gently wrapped around Socks' neck and Socks' arms around Meme's waist while their foreheads were pressed together and they were quietly talking to each other, it was so cute so Laff, who decided to be the photographer, took a photo of them with out them knowing because they looked so cute and happy as they danced together, then Laff and I decided that instead of dancing that we'd take photo's of everyone with the camera Laff owned for youtube video's/vlogs.

First we went over to Blaza and Ally, who posed for a nice photo together, then after their photo Blaza grabbed the camera and made Laff and I pose for a nice one of us too.

"ok 3...2...1... say 'Gay'" Blaza said and Laff and I smiled before he took the photo

"wait did you tell us to say gay instead of cheese?" I ask after the photo as the realisation had hit me as to what he'd said

"ahahahahah yea I did" Blaza laughs after handing the camera back then he and Ally walk off laughing while Laff and I go over to take some photos of the others


After taking photos of almost everyone we finally went over to Socks and Meme who had been happily dancing together for the past 20 minutes or so and we decided we wanted a photo of them together.

"hey guys, sorry to ruin the moment but can we get a photo of you two together?" I ask and Meme nods happily before he and Socks then get into a cute pose together

"alright say 'Married'" I say and they smile happily as I press the button on the camera and take their photo

"can we see it?" Meme asks and I show them the photo

"we look great" Socks says and I agree

"you guys do, you should get a photo with your families" I say and they agree liking my idea as we all walk over to Socks and Meme's parents, oh yea and Charlotte was over by them too. After they decided on a pose all together, Laff and I got ready to take the photo

"ok on 3 say family" I say

"1...2...3 Family" Laff says before he takes the photo of them all as they repeat the words and smile happily

"looks good" Socks says when Laff shows them all the photo

1513 words, hope you're enjoying the book, also pls give me ideas on chapters for my other 2 books bc I'm stuck on what to add to them. Thank you :)

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