Chapter 37- What Really Happened

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*Warning guys; mentions of self harm in this chapter*


~Socks POV~

I wake up the next morning to Meme still fast asleep next to me and I hear chatting from downstairs, so I decide to get changed into from fresh clothes and then I head downstairs to sit with the others and talk until Memegod wakes up.

After talking with the guys for about 20 minutes, we suddenly hear a scream from upstairs, so Tbh and I run upstairs to check, the only 2 that were up here still asleep are Meme and Nadwe so it had to be one of them.

"Nad's fine" Tbh calls to me as we both run over to mine and Meme's room and when we opened the door we saw Meme sitting on the floor, back to the door and leaning against our bed sounding like he was crying. Tbh and I walk over to my sobbing fiance and I kneel in front of him with Tbh standing behind me

"hey Baby are you ok what happened?" I ask as he looks up at me crying his eyes out

"ge-get away from me" he says to me and I'm shocked as he starts scooting away from me

"wh-what why?" I ask

"T-Tbh help" he asks Tb and so I get up and Tb tells me to wait outside the door as I leave the room and close it behind me

~Tbh POV~

"Meme what's wrong, why did you want Socks to leave? you love him don't you, what happened?" I ask confused as fuck right now

"I-I had a dream Socks started abusing me and throwing plates at me and making me bleed to death, I was so scared when I woke up that I screamed and sat here, then I started crying" Meme explains as I listen in shock

"oh Memegod, you know Socks wouldn't do that to you, he's too protective of you and loves you too much. remember the time a bee started flying near you and Socks kept swatting it away from you so it wouldn't sting you and instead it stung his arm" I remind him, and yes that did actually happen, it was fucking hilarious

"Ye-yea" he smiles as he wipes his tears away, his face still red from crying

"wanna go give Socks a hug and tell him what happened so he isn't left confused as to why you acted like that" I ask and he nods then gets up and we walk over to the door, and as soon as we opened it Socks hugged Meme

"awww" I comment as Meme hugs him back

"are you ok?" Socks asks him as we start to explain what happened so Socks understood why he acted like that

"holy shit Meme you know I wouldn't do that ever" Socks says as he hugs Meme tight again and kisses his head

"are you ok now?" he asks him and Meme nods, then we walk back down stairs and sit on the couches together, when Nadwe suddenly walks downstairs looking dead.

"bro why do you look like you only got an hour of sleep" Blaza asks Nadwe and he shrugs

"I kept waking up every 2 hours and it took me like half an hour to fall asleep again" he replies as he slumps himself down in his single arm chair

"that's weird, do you know why?" Meme asks as he wipes his eye, probably still some tears leaking out

"not sure, I kept having the same dream over and over again though, it was weird because it was about you Meme, you were like sitting on a double bed and cutting yourself and someone walked in on you and then you passed out and then the dream re-started again" he explains as both Meme and I look shocked and turn a bit pale

"Y-your right, T-that is really weird" Meme replies

"what's wrong? did that actually happen or something? you look pale" Nadwe asks and Meme looks at me as in to say 'should I tell them?' and I nod as the only people who know are me, him and Socks

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