Chapter 29- Every Couple Fight Sometimes

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~Socks POV~

Oh he thinks he's so clever leaving me here after teasing me huh!? I'll show him, I think to myself as I quickly get dressed and race out of the bathroom after him and pushing him against the closest wall pinning him there and raising his hands above his head, holding them there with one of my hands. As he looked up at me with wide eyes and was about to speak but one of my hands covered his mouth before I speak

"shhh the others might hear" I say using my head to point downstairs where everyone was watching a movie.

"you thought you could get away with teasing me then leaving me huh!? well you should have known better Meme" I continue before removing my hand and kissing his lips before he could say anything else, he froze for a second before easing into the kiss. I then pulled away and picked him up by the thighs, his legs naturally wrapping around my waist as I carried him into our bedroom and dropped him on our bed before I went and closed the door and locked it behind me. I then walked back over to Meme who had his legs crossed on the bed and had his hands in his lap as he looked up at me, he looked adorable.

"I'm sorry but you did that to me before so I wanted to get you back" Meme said after a minute of us just staring into each others eyes, I looked at him confused, what does he mean I did it to him before?

"what do you mean? when did I tease you?" I asked now very confused, he stood up from the bed and stood in front of me

"before our shower? remember, you gave me a blow job then stood up and turned the water on as if nothing had happened" He answered jogging my memory and sounding a little annoyed

"Oh right, I forgot about that. I'm sorry I was going to continue in the shower but we didn't get to an-" I tried to explain, and it was true I was going to but before I could finish Meme scoffed and replied

"yea sure you were" I'm shocked and confused, what are we even fighting about? and why is he so angry about it?

"I was and anyways why are you angry about it and actually what are wE EVEN FIGHTING ABOUT?" I started to say but accidentally yelled, as soon as I yelled that I slapped my hand over my mouth as he stood back from me with tears in his eyes

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell" I whisper as he sat back on the bed and looked at me breathing heavily still with tear filled eyes, I was going to walk over and give him and a hug and kisses while saying I was sorry but then there was a knock on the door so I turned and opened it, it was Tbh

"what happened, why did we hear yelling?" he asked concerned before seeing Meme and raced over to him to hug him

"Socks, what happened, is Meme ok?" he asked as he rapped his arm around Meme's shoulders and side hugged him as Meme just sat there looking away from me, this made me jealous so I just left the room, I went downstairs and into the kitchen then sat against the cabinets and put my knees to my head.

~Meme POV~

Socks had yelled a bit of his sentence at me and I've never heard him yell like that before, I don't know how to describe it but it hit me hand and made me get teary eyes, he obviously noticed and said sorry and looked like he was going to come hug me or something but then Tbh knocked on the door and Socks answered it.

Now I'm sitting on my bed with Tbh half hugging me as I explain what happened and Socks had left the room looking angry and went off to god knows where. I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts that I didn't know I was in by Tbh talking after we sat in silence when I told him what happened.

"wait so you guys were fighting over you guys teasing each other and then leaving like nothing happened and the other was annoyed because you teased them?" he asks confused

"I think, the yelling you heard was socks asking what we were fighting about and I wasn't sure either but the way he accidentally yelled it made me start to tear up and I have absolutely no fucking idea why!" I tell him

"interesting, can't relate" he says and I roll my eyes

"I should go find him and see if he's ok" I reply after he laughs at me rolling my eyes at his statement

"ok I'll go down with you" he says as we get up and leave my room


I look in every room in the house, until there is only 1 room I haven't looked in

The kitchen

As I walk towards the entrance to the kitchen, I hear sobbing so I walk in and round to the other side to see none other than my fiance sitting on the floor crying with his head in his knees. I quickly go over next to him and give him a hug as I bury my face into the crook of his neck, he must have gotten a shock when I touched him because his head shot up

"M-Meme I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to yell before, it just came out" he sobbed while moving so he was hugging me back and crying into my shoulder

"Shh Socks, babe, it's ok; I have no idea why I started to get teary eyed but I did and I'm sorry but why did you leave?" I asked still hugging his as he laid his head on my lap now while looking up at me

"I left because I felt jealous that Tbh was hugging you" he said quietly while looking away blushing, I smiled at this, that's cute he felt jealous of Tbh for hugging me

"oh baby" I laugh slightly "I would never leave you for anyone besides Tbh and Laff are together anyways" I assure him and he smiles at me still blushing. I felt so bad so I pull him into a kiss and he sits there for a second before embracing the kiss and trying to become dominant, but I pull away before he can do anything else.

"I love you" I say before he stands up and pulls me up too then picking me up bridal style

"lets go to bed" he smirks

"engagement celebration?" I ask and he nods

Thx for reading and HOLY FUCK GUYS 3.6k reads!!!??? tysm guys. No clue when the next chapter is coming out so hold tight anyways hope u enjoyed :)

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