Chapter 41- It Finally Happened

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~About two weeks later~

~Tbh POV~

"Do you Socksfor1 take Fatmemegod to be your lawful wedded husband?" The pastor asks Socks

"Of course I do" Socks replies smiling widely as he holds both Meme's hands, I'm watching from next to/behind Meme, and both of them are tearing up

"And do you Fatmemegod take Socksfor1 to be your lawful wedded husband?" The pastor asks Meme and takes a deep breath before saying

"I do" loudly, proudly and happily and everyone in the crowd was smiling, extremely happy for them and some of them crying happy tears for them

"Then with the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband, Socks, you may now kiss Meme" The pastor announces and Socks eagerly leans in and passionately kisses Meme as everyone, including Blaza and I who were Meme and Socks' best men, claps and cheers for the newly married couple. Then Socks and Meme pull apart and face everyone as they hold hands as the walk down the isle together and everyone gets up behind them and walks over to the food tables that were set up behind all the chairs while Blaza, the pastor and I follow them over to the concrete where the food was and Meme and Socks walk over to Socks dad and sister, charlotte, and Meme's mum and dad who flew over to see him. I decided to walk over too because his parents loved me when we were younger so I went over and put my hand on Meme's shoulder and he turn to look at me before giving me a hug and re-introducing me to his parents

"Mum, Dad, you remember Tbh from when we were little, My best friend?" he says and his mum hugs me

"Oh Tb, it's been so long, how have you been? how's Mama?" she asks and I slightly blush embarrassed because Socks had never seen this happen before and I bet the guys were watching too.

"it has been a really long time hasn't it?" I reply after she let go and I shook his dad's hand

"and Mama, I'd like to say she's good but she's not doing that well" I reply looking down and I could feel Socks and Meme watching me as confused as everyone else

"what's wrong? is she unwell?" Memes mother asks

"y-yea, she's got cancer but I'm sure she'll be fine because I've sent her to the best hospital in the state" I reply and she hugs me again and both Meme and Socks look very worried for me

"Give her my best wishes alright Tb" she says as she lets go and Meme puts his arm around me

"I will, anyways um congratulations you two" I say to Meme and Socks and they smile at me

"thanks" they reply still looking worried for me

"we're gonna have a dance soon ok so be ready, stay near Laff" Meme says as he nudges my arm and I slightly blush as I look over to Laff who smiled and winked at me

"Laff? is he one of the british ones?" Meme's dad asks and I nod

"ahh ok" he smiles

"I can't believe you two are finally married, I remember Socks telling me a few weeks ago that he was really scared to ask you the question" Socks' sister, Charlotte suddenly says to Meme and he blushes

"it was very unexpected but thanks to Tb and Laff, they helped Socks become confident enough to ask me" Meme replies and Charlotte looks at me and grins giving me a nod, seeming very happy for her brother and now brother in law I guess.

"I'm so happy for you two" Socks dad says and I could hear the Canadian accent in his voice and I smiled at Meme

"are you guys ever planning on adopting kids?" Charlotte asks and they shrug unsure

"we're not really sure yet because it's already a busy house as it is plus Ally and Blaza are expecting a kid, Ally's like 1 month pregnant so we'll see how it goes once the child is born" Meme explains

"I recon you two would be great parents" Charlotte says and I look at her

"really? why?" I ask and Socks' dad and Meme's parents all laugh while Socks jokingly glares at me

"wow thanks" Meme says before laughing

"Yea I don't know how good we'd be at parenting but we'll see how we go on Blaza and Ally's kid" Socks says to his sister and she laughs

"anyways the three of us are going to go and talk to the others and get some food so see you later" Meme says hugging his mum and dad before he, Socks and I leave and walk over to where the other guys we're and I could see Charlotte walking over too, she must have been bored with the parents

"hey guys, congratulations" Laff says as he and Socks hug before pulling away and he puts his arm around my waist

"I still can't believe we're married now" Meme says as he looks at Socks and Charlotte walks up to stand next to Socks

"So Socks introduce us to this woman" Joocie says, yea we're still not on great terms by the way, I want to apologie though so we can get back to normal

"Oh yea, right, guys this is my sister Charlotte" Socks introduces her to everyone and they all shake her hand

"Glad we're not the only girls here, hey Mady" Ally says to Madalyn and she laughs but nods

"great to meet you, I'm Blaza, and this is my girlfriend Ally" Blaza introduces when he shakes her hand and gestures to Ally when they stop shaking hands

"oh so it's you two who are expecting, congratulations" she smiles and they thank her

"that's Laff, you already met Tbh, that's Joocie, Medz, Nadwe, Madalyn, Muffin, Oompa, Shyana, TBVG, Woolfster, Oof, Dino, and you already met Blaza and Ally" Socks introduces everyone to his sister, oh yea forgot to mention the whole gang who doesn't live with us was invited too. Nadwe was so happy when he found out Muffin was invited too.

"nice to meet you all" she smiles "so who are all the other couples, other then Blaza and Ally, Meme and Socks?" she asks and I grin

"I'm with Laff" I say and she nods, kinda looking disappointed

"yep and Nadwe and Madalyn are together, Joocie and Medz are together, Oompa and Shyana are an item, I don't know what the fuck is going on with Oof and TBVG, and Woolf, Dino and Muffin are single" Meme explains

"oh I see, ok good to know, so Oof do you know what your situation is with TBVG?" she asks and he blushes

"I think we're in a situation-ship but I'm not quite sure" he replies looking at TBVG to confirm and he shrugs

"oh haha ok, well best for both of you" she smiles at them and they smile back

"anyway lets all go and sit down to eat" Socks says as he walks over to Meme's parents and his dad to tell them while we all walk over to the 4 tables set up to fit 5 people each, all of them with food on them and it all looked amazing

1224 words :)

Kiss me back- Socks X MemeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang