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Davina's head was filled with countless ways of escaping from here but to her surprise it's an endless maze of left-right turns and uncountable empty rooms ! there was no way out of here . the view out of windows are fake. there was no living soul here beside her and that man. 

" we and him can be considered as living soul? " Daeliah asked, 

Time passed in flicker of fingers, Davina was roaming in this palace from last three hours yet no sign of exit was there  .

" are you sure we aren't dead?? and this isn't afterlife?  " Daeliah asked again. 

" i don't know." Davina said trying to focus on one thing.  one thing that is odd here to be fitted. one thing that can take her out of here. 

" it can't be afterlife. it surely doesn't look like hell and it's too empty for heaven " she replied.

Davina was more focused on finding a way out before that unrealistic godly creature with stunning face catch on to them.  her thoughts were wandering back to Alex,  is he okay?. was all that she was worrying about.

" if what Mr lucy said is true and if moon goddess gave him second chance with mate.  what will we do.? " daeliah asked. 

Davina could feel my heart sinking deeper with each and every words of her wolf.  she stood there for a long while trying to ignore her wolf's question.

" are you sure. don't you know what a mate bond is like.  weren't you meant to assassinate him. were you able to?. what if he wasn't able to- "

Davina created an invisible barrier between her and her wolf,  shuting Daeliah.

" look ahead,  i think we found our way out "

Davina was shocked , she couldn't comprehend how Daeliah broke the barrier.

Davina can't ignore the fact that she have been feeling weaker than usual .  her wolf had always been the strongest so barrier isn't that big of deal but her human self could feel her powers diminishing and although daeliah didn't mentioned it yet but davina knew she can feel it too .

Davina took a deep breath and looked in front of her, there was a massive red gate in front of her . it was broken from one of it's end. the gate looked so vintage but it's red color contradicting the white walls.

This surely doesn't look like a way out .the gate is surrounded by a strong dark aura. but Davina couldn't help as she felt a strong pull towards it. she slowly unknowingly started walking towards it .

The carvings carved on the walls were beautiful yet ruthless. They were the depiction of how the people with different sins, in hell are suffered.

she wanted see what's inside but before she could even touch it ,  a huge hand grabbed her wrist and dragged hef away from it. 

Gracw looked up to meet the familiar pair of black eyes.  his eyes were hostile enough make her want to shrink to the floor and disappear .The man was reeking of power, dominance and most of all darkness.
It was the first time Davina have seen him like this .she tried pulling away her wrist but it only resulted in him tightening his grip . 

"  Enough of exploring Dora . " The man said.  his voice was cold , husky and a deep . his eyes glued on her face but his expression didn't give anything away. Davina couldn't brought herself to look away. 

" you're hurting me " she winced and his grip loosened immediately

Davina could swear that she saw guilt and a little bit of hurt on his emotionless face for a second but he soon covered it with a blank and empty expression , like it was all in her mind . she couldn't understand the reason he became so unapproachable within seconds. 

The star crossed loversWhere stories live. Discover now