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"Show our guests the way out," Lucifer commanded, striding away. Like a phantom emerging from the shadows, a man directed them toward the room's exit . 

Alexander hesitated, his eyes lingering on Davina as she turned to him and gestured for him to leave first. Confusion and concern furrowed his brow, but before he could voice his thoughts, she spoke softly, "Go ahead, Alexander. I'll be back as soon as Ethan wakes up."

His reluctance was evident, a silent plea in his eyes for her to accompany him. "Davina, I don't like the idea of leaving you alone here," he confessed, his voice a mix of worry and unspoken emotions.

Davina offered a reassuring smile, her eyes holding a depth of understanding. "I'll be fine, Alexander. This is the safest place for Ethan right now and you have been away from your pack with Ethan . i am sure things will be mess there you take care of things there and i will be back just trust that I'll join you soon."

Though unsatisfied, Alexander nodded, acknowledging the weight of responsibility pulling him back to the pack waiting for him to shoulder. The conflicting emotions within him were a storm he struggled to navigate—his affection for Davina in contention with Victoria's supposed claim as his mate, a claim she vehemently denied. The forbidden yet dark magic he had delved into added another layer of guilt, knowing he had jeopardized every pack member's with Victoria's and Davina's safety. He gave a last look to Victoria and nodded at her before following the man out .

Yet, amidst the turmoil, Alexander couldn't help but feel a peculiar shift that had occurred since Davina's woke up . Something in her had changed, and he couldn't shake off the intensity of the gaze she had directed at Lucifer. The enigma of the situation tugged at his thoughts, leaving him with more questions than answers as he navigated the winding corridors of Lucifer's mansion.

Victoria, perturbed by Davina's unexpected actions, confronted her as she laid Ethan on the bed and covered him with a blanket. "You should have left with Alexander. Isn't that what you wanted? To be with him?" Victoria questioned, her tone a mix of curiosity and concern.

Davina, seemingly lost in her thoughts, didn't respond immediately, prompting Victoria to speak up once more. "Don't bother Lucifer right now; he's not himself, he needs some time " Victoria advised, her words carrying a note of caution.

"Why don't you leave, then?" Davina retorted, her frustration evident. She questioned Victoria's authority to dictate her actions. Victoria suddenly was taken back this sudden change in Davina . she looked like a different person to her making her question what she saw when she collapsed Davina's barrier of memories . she saw some flashback of Davina's past lives .

Victoria, with a hint of sarcasm, remarked, "It's okay to love both of them, but you can't have both, Davina."

Davina, unswayed, asked, "You saw it?" . Davina smirked as she tilted her head walking past Victoria making her follow down the corridors and rooms that look like maze .

"Saw what? How your past self betrayed her husband in the first life, killing him ruthlessly? Your life's drama is worth a series of books and movies. Now I see why the elders were against your reincarnation—to, as you will, shall forth the beginning of war and blood," Victoria explained, unveiling the intricate web of Davina's past. Yet, that was merely a fragment of what Victoria had observed. The haunting image of the man Davina had mercilessly stabbed lingered in her thoughts, leaving Victoria perplexed. A resemblance to someone familiar struck her, a figure in the shadows with an uncanny likeness, and Victoria found herself grappling with the mystery of how what she saw could be possible.

"Elders ? They cant stop me . They are just old dead souls of gods with some power from the deceased world," Davina replied dismissively. "If you want i will help you cut the connection between the living and dead world of wolves and you can be the moon goddess again . "

Victoria, skeptical, retorted, "You've lost it. This isn't possible, the wolf world will collapse if the connection between the dead and living is lost " her disbelief evident.

"Do you really think they'll take you back? I doubt it. Those old hags don't accept mistakes . Let it be me or you. They're using you as an experimental bait, Victoria. Experimental bait for me. They want to see what I am capable of, and when the time comes, they'll come for both of us knowing what you just did ." Davina declared, sending a shiver down Victoria's spine.

"Hah! Good one, Davina. Stop gaslighting me against my own. I can kill you without breaking a sweat," Victoria defiantly stated.

"Try me," Davina whispered ominously. Suddenly, she seized Victoria by the neck and pushed her against a nearby wall, leaving Victoria bewildered by the swift and unexpected action.

Victoria gasped, struggling against Davina's formidable grip. Davina's eyes glowed with an ominous light as she sneered at Victoria, reveling in the fear and desperation she instilled. In a low growl, Davina warned, "Shhsh, i wont kill you . after all i owe you one for Ethan's life."

Victoria's vision blurred, her surroundings becoming increasingly incomprehensible. In a desperate attempt, she summoned a beam of moonlight—a lethal weapon in her possession. However, Davina, agile and seemingly unstoppable, effortlessly dodged the beam. Mocking her, Davina remarked, "You're breaking a sweat," tightening her grip on Victoria.

As the tension in the room reached its zenith, Lucifer's voice resonated in the chambers of Davina's mind, a chilling command demanding an end to the escalating confrontation. Davina couldn't help but wonder how long he had been present, observing the tumult unfold in his domain. Did he heard Victoria and her conversation about her first life .

"Why should I?" Davina challenged, her defiance cutting through the charged atmosphere like a knife towards Lucifer .

"Coz I am telling you to," Lucifer asserted with an unwavering authority that echoed through the very core of the room. His words, laden with power, reverberated with a dark and commanding demeanor, sending shivers down the spines of those present. The weight of his influence hung in the air, and her eyes turned to him, their collective gaze waiting for the resolution of the unfolding drama.

In that moment, For the first time, he locked eyes with Davina, and the intensity of his gaze bore into her soul. His dark demeanor, usually veiled by an enigmatic facade, now surfaced unapologetically. The shadows seemed to dance in his eyes, revealing depths of power and authority that went beyond the mere mortal.

Davina felt a chill run down her spine as she met Lucifer's gaze.

In that fleeting moment, Lucifer's true nature unveiled itself—an imposing figure of ancient power and an undeniable force to be reckoned with. The air around him crackled with an ominous energy, and Davina couldn't shake the feeling that the Lord of Darkness had fully awakened or maybe its because without Daeliah she is now a full demon who lies in the authority of Lucifer that his commands felt more imposting .

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