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Davina's eyes locked onto Lucifer as he approached, his tone authoritative. "Coz I am telling you to," he declared, radiating an undeniable authority and power. All around her, the atmosphere seemed to shift, acknowledging Lucifer's presence.

Davina's grip on Victoria slowly loosened, and she released her from the firm hold. Victoria staggered back, rubbing her neck, her eyes narrowing with a mixture of resentment and fear. The tension in the room hung thick as Lucifer fixed his gaze on Davina, a silent exchange transpiring between them.

"Leave," Lucifer commanded, his words slicing through the charged air. Davina shot one last intense look at Victoria before turning and exiting the room, leaving behind a bewildered Victoria and an air of mystery that lingered.

As the door closed behind Davina, Lucifer turned to face Victoria. "You underestimate her, " he remarked, his voice a low, measured growl.

Victoria, still recovering from the shock, countered, "I saw the man she stabbed."

Lucifer sighed, running his hands through his hair.  

"You knew it? It was you, isn't it? But how is this possible? You were born as a demon." Victoria mumbled her last words as a question to her own self . 

"No one is born as evil or a demon, Victoria."

"Since when? Since when did you know about her?" Victoria questioned in disbelief.

"Since the first time I laid my eyes on her."

"What the hell is wrong with you? She's dangerous. How can you trust her, Lucifer?"

He sighed again, the weight of centuries evident in his eyes. "Trust isn't always about safety, Victoria. Sometimes, it's about understanding the risks and believing in the potential for change."

Victoria's expression wavered between skepticism and confusion, but Lucifer didn't elaborate further. Instead, he strode out of the room, leaving her to grapple with the aftermath of Davina's sudden display of power.

Meanwhile, Davina navigated the labyrinthine corridors of Lucifer's mansion, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. The echoes of her confrontation with Victoria reverberated within her, and she couldn't escape the realization that her newfound strength came at a cost—the unraveling of the delicate balance between the living and the dead.

As she moved through the shadows, the weight of her actions settled upon her shoulders. She couldn't shake the feeling that the enigmatic Lord of Death held more answers than he was willing to reveal. The complexities of her existence seemed to deepen, leaving her with more questions than resolutions. And in the midst of it all, the intense gaze that Lucifer had directed at her lingered, a silent promise of revelations yet to come.

her feet took her to the exact same place where it all started . The familiarity in these wall were hitting her to the point that she wasn't able to keep the difference the reality and the memories. There was only one face that was crystal clear to her in all her past lives . 

"After all this time , you are still here .  " Davina asked .

" I never left .  "  Lucifer spoke up

" I wished for a better ending Theo. "  Davina said , tears dwelling in her eyes . 

" Theo is dead Davina " " you killed him , on the exact same spot , where you are standing right now " Lucifer said 

" you massacred my entire family Theo and am not talking about the innocent lives you took  . was i supposed to forgot all this after i fell in love with you ? " 

" Love ? what a joke . Its nature and we all are beast . was i wrong to save me and my people when it was your father who tried to kill us first ? " 

" How was i supposed to forgive you if it was my family who died for the sake of your survival Theo . no matter how my father was in front of the world but he was still my father . "

" you are right . you are you father's daughter . he raised you to be his mirror .you can never see his wrongs .  what if it was me and my people who died in his hands  ? would you have done the same to him that you did to me " 

" . . . "

" Right . No matter what , you don't kill the one you love . Maybe you didn't love me enough . maybe it was only me who waited for you time after time "

" why did you wait ? " 

" I have remembered you for longer than I have known you Darcey "  

"Darcey ?"

" I wondered , If i whispered your name after all this while , will it still hurts the same." he chuckled as a tear rolled down his cheeks " it does " . 

".... "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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