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" family , "

Saying Alex was bothered by Davina's completing the strange guy's statement will be an understatement.  He felt threatened by his presence . Alex can't deny the powerful aura being excluded by the man .

" Family ? " Alex asked questioning back to the strange man standing behind Davina and before Lucifer could reply Davina once again interrupted them .

" He's uhm- my uncle " 

Lucifer face showed an undeniable and unexpected emotion upon hearing her.  He was controlling his laughter not believing what this little demon just said and it was very clear to him that Alex was not buying it but strangely he played along instead of going in the loop holes. 

" Davina's family is my guest too , please make yourself comfortable.  i will see you around " There was an odd tone in alex's voice . he emphasised on the last part . 

only a blind can't see the tension erupting between them .

" I will take my kid from here.  i will look forward to see you " Lucifer returned his words before grabbing Davina's hand and walking to the opposite side of Alpha's place. Alex stood there dumbstruck by his choice of words .

When Davina was sure that no one was around and they were far away from Alexander.  she looked back at Lucifer trying to jerk his hand away but it only  resulted in him tightening his grip .

" why are you here ? " she asked still struggling .

" shh , that's not the way you talk to your uncle , kid " he retorted back immediately. Lucifer anger was building up with every passing second .

" Don't - "

and just like that Lucifer cut her off in between .

" I am here for some work and i will leave as soon as i get done with it . so you can relax i am not interested in you or that wolf "  

it was crystal clear lie . he did had some work but there was no need for physically attending the chaos . yet , he was here . 

For her . 

" what work ? "

" Don't concern yourself with elder's work , kiddo . " 

Davina took a deep sigh before turning and leading the way . Her wolf was constantly reminding her of those mini-expressions on Alexander's face. He didn't bought the family excuse.

Davina led him to the guest house where Austin was waiting for her but upon seeing the person accompanying . he immediately  kneeled down on his knees bowing his head down to Lucifer . Davina halted in her steps astounded by what she just saw . 

Although vampires is another species but by the gods treaty they come under Lucifer's jurisdiction and now the question arises the only thing is how the hell Austin knew him . he is the dark lord . 

" we met due to some unavoidable circumstances "  Lucifer answered her unasked question as  he simply walked by past her nodding to Austin . Austin got back on his feet still not looking at Davina .  

" Privacy . kid " Lucifer said teasing Davina . there was no doubt that he was loving this new role of uncle but on serious note , he did had something important to discuss to Austin . 

when Davina walked away they vanished into thin air like they never were there . 

' same old magic ' she mumbled under her breathe as she decided to go out for a run to clear her thoughts after checking up on Ethan  . 

it was almost 5 am .

 The sun was about to rise at any minute spreading its colors all over making her wonder if she should sleep for a while or not . Davina walked back inside the house after a frivolous run . 

she slowly and softly stepped inside Ethan's room but her blood ran cold when there was no one .There was a slight stench of blood covering the room . it was not Ethan's but Davina couldn't control her rage as she went out tracing the faint smell .

As the smell grew stronger she realized that she was headed outside the pack territory but this was not her concern at the moment .

The forest was dark, and the only sound she could hear was the crunching of leaves beneath her feet. Davina's heightened senses were on high alert as she sniffed the air, trying to detect any sign of Ethan's scent . 

Finally, she came across a clearing, and there he was, lying lifeless on the ground. Davina's heart sank as she approached him, her keen eyes scanning his body for any sign of what had happened to him.

Her heart was slamming against her ribs loudly . Her mouth ran dry as her  Davina recognized the clothes . Tears streamed down her face as she howled in agony and sadness, her wolf instincts taking over as her demon's were enraged .

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