Chapter 6

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"Oh, hey I just wanted to come talk to Jane, she's helping me with some stuff." Kyung said to Adel as she only wore a robe, after getting out of the shower. "Oh, she didn't text you? She had to run to her professors office hours for some supplies. Want to come in? She should be back soon."

His eyes glanced down at her, making her realize that she was almost fully naked. Laughing a little, she said, "A-actually, I will get dressed, then you can come in, okay?" He laughed a little too, "Okay."

When she shut the door, she let out a sigh that she didn't realize she was holding. In less than five minutes she was dressed, and he was sitting on a chair, while typing on his laptop. "So, how's your first month of college going?"

He asked Adel, as she sat a few feet away on her bed, with her legs crossed as she watched a lecture on her laptop. "It's going alright, how's your last year of college going?" Sighing, he answered, "About the same."

Not sure of what to say in response to that, she just nodded. "Hopefully it gets better." He nodded, "Thanks. If you ever need help with anything, don't hesitate to reach out." When she looked over at him, and saw that he seemed to be genuine, she offered him a small smile, "Thanks, Kyung."

Before they could talk about anything else, the sound of the door opening made them both look up. Jane was breathing heavily with a textbook in her arms and a bag in her hand, "Hey, you two. Ky, I'll help you as soon as I finish this lab, okay?" He nodded in agreement, seeing how stressed she was.

"Okay. No rush. I'll just come back." Standing up from his seat, he smiled at Adel and said, "Well looks like I'll be back another day." He said to Adel, "Well I could just help you. If you want my help." Although he hoped that she'd say that, he didn't expect her too, so when she did he was surprised. "Or not."

She said, noticing the look on his face. "It's not even like that, I just didn't think you'd say that, you know? I'd love your help." He explained while their eyes stayed on each other's, while Jane was completely oblivious as she packed her backpack to go meet her lab partners. "Thank you, Adel, sorry Ky I've just been so busy this week, chem is kicking my ass."

"It's no problem, Adel I really appreciate it," She smiled at him while closing her laptop as her lecture ended, "I just finished up my lecture notes, what is she helping you with, again?" Adel asked, and Jane nodded in agreement. "Yeah, actually Adel should help you with this, she's better at this stuff."

Answering her question, Kyung yawned quietly and said, "She was just gonna coach me for my law school interviews." She nodded, "Yeah, I could do that for you. We could go out to the courtyard or common room?" He nodded with a smile, "Either works for me. Thank you, Adel."

"Well I'm glad that you both figured that out, I'll be back later." Jane said before rushing out of their room quickly. The door slammed shut behind her, while Adel slipped on her shoes, and smiled at Kyung.

"This is perfect, now you can help me study for my physics test." Adel said making him laugh a little, "Oh so you really just wanted to use me?" She shrugged her shoulders before taking her laptop and putting it into her tote bag, "We're using each other. That's what we do best."

That made him laugh and stand up while putting his backpack back on his shoulders. "Do insinuates that we're still doing that, and if we are why have you been avoiding me?" He asked, while watching her slide on her sunglasses.

"Hm, you're right." She said as she took her chapstick from her bag, and applied it to her lips. "That is something we did. Not do." Kyung laughed again, "You're right."

"Always am, now let's go to the courtyard and get you ready for your interview." They both walked out of her room, "Since we're going downstairs, can I buy you coffee?" Kyung asked as they waited for the elevator doors to open after she clicked the silver button.

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