Chapter 11

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"Halloween is literally over a month away." Adel complained, making Jane shrug her shoulders as she proceeded to decorate their dorm room door. "It's my favorite holiday, how do you hate Halloween?"

As the September days neared October, Jane decorated the outside of their door, and Adel sat on her desk chair preparing for school that Monday. "It's not that I hate it, it's just that I never celebrated it as a kid." Jane nodded in understanding, "Neither did I, but RA Ripley is giving away bitcoin to whoever has the coolest door."

Adel laughed a little while turning around in her chair, and looking at her friend, "Tell me what bitcoin is." Jane rolled her eyes while focusing on the task at hands, "Shut up, once I have it Kyung can explain to me what it is, again."

Nodding, Adel smiled at her while saying, "Sounds like a good enough plan to me. How can I help?" Honestly she didn't know what it was either, but she figured she'd help her friend out. Jane smiled and clapped her hands together, "Yay, it would be great if you started sticking the bats around our number."

Doing as she said, Adel and Jane continued their casual conversation and decorated their door. "Maybe it's like a stock thing?" Adel asked, and Jane nodded. "I think it's something like that. I'll just ask Bhavya later.
I love hearing him talk about stuff like that, he gets so excited."

Noticing the smile on her face as she talked about him, Adel smiled. "You really like him, don't you?" She sighed, "Is it that obvious?" When Adel nodded she giggled cutely, "He's just so good to me. I haven't felt this way about someone ever, it just feels so real, you know?"

"I-I really don't, but I'm glad that you do. You deserve it, Bae." Jane smiled, "Thank you, but at the same time I'm not ready to commit. I feel like he's the one, but I also want to explore what we talked about in Malibu." Adel nodded in understanding, "That's fair. Don't rush yourself to commit, especially when you're still figuring yourself out."

"Yeah, exactly. I don't even know where to start, like do I use Tinder? But I just don't want people to find out, especially when I don't even know." Adel listened to her friend talk, "Maybe ask Monique about it? She has to know about apps. Or maybe just start with someone you're friends with."

Jane nodded in understanding, "God, Adel why do you have to be straight?" She laughed a little and shrugged while glancing at her friend and saying, "Sex is sex, Jane." Rolling her eyes she laughed and said, "You always say things like that, and expect me to know what it means."

Looking down at her friend, as she was on the floor kneeling next to her, decorating the bottom of the door while she did the top, Adel clarified what she meant. "If you want to have sex with me, just ask."

Her saying that made Jane blush, and get a feign beat in between her inner thighs. As she looked up at her with a blush on her cheeks, and her eyes clearly surprised, Adel couldn't help but to laugh a little, because of how much she resembled her brother.

"I'm going to let you contemplate that, okay?" She said to her, seeing that she had caught her completely off guard. Nodding, Jane softly spoke, "Y-yeah, okay."

"Now, I'm gonna help you put up our last bat, then I'm gonna go shower, and head out for my sneaky link." That eased the tension, and made Jane laugh. "Which one tonight?"

Since Malibu three weeks ago, the only people she had been sleeping with were Kyung and Devin, but she obviously couldn't tell her the entire truth. "Devin." She lied, "That's like the third time this week. He can't be that good."

In actuality she had only met up with him Friday night, and had been sneaking off to see Kyung the other two times. "He is though, and I've had a long week, I deserve sex." This week in particular had been stressful for her, because she had a test in her least favorite class, and was dealing with family drama that was happening back home.

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