Chapter 12

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  "Ain't nothing but a heartache!" Jane and Adel sang while getting ready for their classes. It was Thursday, and though Jane was far from a morning person, after finding out that she passed her test yesterday, she was in a great mood.

"Ain't nothing but a mistake." She sang with a smile, before her friend grabbed her hand, forcing her off of her bed. They danced around their room for the next minute that the song played, with their hands intertwined, and their laughs filling the room, until they were heading out of the door.

"Are you gonna be out tonight?" Jane asked her friend, as they walked toward the building that their classes were in. "Do you want me to be?" She asked, and Jane nodded with a small smile, "Yes, Bhavya is coming over." Adel nodded while her eyes fell upon Jabari, who walked in their direction.

"Word, well I'll find something to do."
"Or someone." She said, making Jane laugh while playfully hitting her arm. "Hey, Ladies." Jabari said with his beautiful smile on his handsome face, "What's up, Freshman?" He asked Adel, making her stop walking, and Jane wait a few feet away awkwardly.

"What are you up to tonight?" She asked him, wanting to get straight to the point. It was a Thursday night, and they had been shamelessly flirting for the last few weeks, only he hadn't made a move.

She assumed it was because every time that she saw him around campus, he had a new White girl clinging to his arm. Jabari knew that she saw him too, because whenever they'd see each other in passing she'd send him a smile, and he'd move away from whoever was attached to him.

The fact that he slept with so many White women, and had never been seen with a Black woman, even on his social media pages that she had stalked, was a huge red flag. Yet, Adel was still willingly to overlook it based on what his answer was to her question. "There's a BSA meeting at five, then I'm probably just gonna chill at my apartment. How about you?"

"Send me the info, I want to come." He smiled while pulling out his phone, "I got you, what about you though? Wanna come back to mine too?" She shrugged and ignored the second half of his question, "Probably just studying for our test."

"Oh I forgot that was next Tuesday, we could study, if you want." A smile came to her face, as he said what she wanted to hear. "Sure, just snap me or something?" Jabari nodded, "Will do, now get to class, Freshman."

With her smile still in tact, she caught up to her friend. "You think it's big?" Jane just laughed as she shook her head, "I don't want to think about Jabari's penis, Adel." Adel continued to smile, "Can't relate."
"Well I hope it's everything you wish for."

She laughed while playfully holding her hand, "You're so kind, Janie." Their hands together made Jane smile and shake her head, before letting go as they walked into their building.
After their encounter in the restroom, she hadn't been entirely avoiding Adel, but she had been trying to shy away from their normally very affectionate relationship.

A large part of her knew it could been contributed to her internalized homophobia, that she hadn't realized she had until she started to look at Adel in a different way. They were best friends, and she tried to keep that in mind every time she wanted to lean in to kiss her plump lips.

She knew she could control herself, but sometimes when Adel's eyes drifted to her own lips, or even her exposed cleavage after saying how hot she looked, she contemplated whether or not she actually wanted to. Sighing deeply, Jane realized that she needed to reach out to her therapist, because there was no one else she could be so honest with. "I'll see you later?"

Adel nodded with a smile, "Bye, have a good day, Beautiful."
"You too, Bae." Jane playfully winked, before they went their separate ways in the science building. As she walked up the stairs to get to the third floor, Adel waved at the few friends she saw in passing, before sitting down in her lecture hall.

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