Chapter 7

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"My God you're not done packing? Adel!"
Jane said as soon as she walked into their dorm, finally getting back from her morning lab. "Okay well I had two test this morning, and then last night you had the dorm occupied, so I haven't exactly had the time to study." Adel explained, only making Jane sigh deeply.

  "We literally leave in an hour."
"Okay, and I'll be done in an hour."
"I swear to God if you get us stuck in traffic." She mumbled whole rummaging through her clothes. "It's just us and Brenda, it'll be fine."

"Well actually, Bhavya is joining us."
Jane felt Adel's glare as she pulled her suitcase out from under her bed, but she tried to ignore it. "Are you kidding? This is supposed to be a girls trip! You guys aren't even official yet."

Jane pouted annoyingly, "Hey, this will still be a girls trip, he's not coming until Saturday anyways." Adel rolled her eyes playfully, "Why is he coming?"

"Because his plans got cancelled due to insufficient funds to fly home, and I couldn't just let him sulk in his dorm." Adel just sighed, "Fine, help me pack." Jane laughed, "Fine."

"What did you end up doing last night anyways?" Adel thought for a second on whether or not she should tell her friend about all the time she had been spending with her brother, but she knew that it kind of didn't matter.

"Ky and I just studied for our test, and he helped me with physics." She nodded, "You two must be getting close, he's always asking about you."

"Yeah he's just a good friend, you know?"
She laughed a little, "Don't tell him that."
Adel just rolled her eyes while picking out which two bathing suits she should bring. "We're just friends."
"You both better be."

Before long, they were done packing, and heading out to the campus parking lot where Jae's car was. "Hello ladies!" Brenda said with a bright smile on her lips. She always seemed to radiate a positive energy, and it was infectious.

"Brenda!" They said with the same energy. "You both ready to go?" She asked, "Yes we are, let's get loaded."
As they walked to her car Adel said, "By the way, Brad is joining us."

"You're kidding." Brenda gasped, making Jane roll her eyes at her dramatic friends, "He's not coming until Saturday."

"Well that just means Adel and I can have more fun." She said with a smile on her face, while interlocking their arms. "I can still have fun, I'm single." Jane said while they all loaded their suitcases into her red SUV. "Hardly, how much you wanna bet he's gonna ask you to be official this weekend?"

"He can ask all he wants. I'm still single."
They just laughed before getting into the car, and beginning their three hour long journey toward Malibu.
  "You didn't do this place justice, Jane. It's gorgeous." Brenda said while standing in the foyer of the beach house. "This view is amazing." Adel said while looking at the crowded beach, as the sun began shinned brightly over the beautiful Pacific Ocean.
"I wanna go to the beach!"

"Then let's go." Jane said with a smile, before they all grabbed their suitcases, and rummaged through them in search of their bikini's. In less than twenty minutes the three of them were walking on the beach, as the sun shined brightly over them.

"I missed this."
"Me too. The beautiful weather, the gorgeous view." Jane said with a smile on her face, "And the wonderful beach boys." Brenda said as they saw a group of boys tossing around a football. Adel nodded in agreement as she saw how tall and muscular they were.

They seemed to notice them too as the girls walked in their direction while on their stroll. The blond with a backwards dingy white hat approached them with a smile. "Hey, ladies. I'm Jonathan, but everyone calls me JB."

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