Chapter 2

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"Like chocolate? Come on now." Brenda laughed, while they sat in her dorm room, making fun of the men who flirted with them tonight. "I'm so mad, the girl I went there for wasn't even there. I shaved for nothing."

Monique complained, making Adel nod in agreement, "Same! Bare coochie and no one to enjoy it with." They all laughed, "Girl if you don't scroll through Tinder."

She sighed, "I deleted it back in August."
They shrugged, "It's early October, all the guys in relationships have broken up with their girls by now." Brenda agreed, "She's right." Taking their advice, she opened her App Store, while they talked Monique up to text to her crush.

"No, she's so fine, and for what?" They all agreed, as she scrolled through her dating profile apps, since she didn't have any other pictures of her yet. "Fuck her." Adel said, while bringing the bottle of vodka to her cup, pouring more into it.

Her saying that made them all look at her, and laugh. "What?" She asked, "I told you, Man, you just look so innocent. Are you even ready for Tinder?"

That made her roll her eyes while drinking her drink. "Shut up, I've had sex before."

"With no strings attached?" Lying, she nodded, "Yeah, I just haven't since being here. Not too many men here are worth a second glance, let alone me as a body."
They agreed with her, but saw her face light up as she looked down at her phone.

"What is it?" They asked, making her giggle cutely while showing them her phone. "He's so hot, what the fuck?"

"Fuck him." Monique said in response, making them all agree. "I should, shouldn't I? What do I say?" She asked, making Toya laugh. "Give me."

Knowing that she didn't have anything to lose, as she sat there on the floor getting drunk on a Thursday night, Adel handed her phone over. In five minutes, she was handing her phone back, while reading her his address.

"My God, how did you do that?" Toya winked at her, "Men are easy, Babe." She nodded in agreement, "You're right. Well should I go over there? What if I see Devin?" Brenda laughed, "We'll go with you, and if you see him, oh well."

Adel sighed, "What if I see him in my class Tuesday?" Monique shrugged, "So? You have no reason to be embarrassed, he's the one who compared you to food." She giggled at the memory and shook her head, "You're right. Ugh, thank you guys."

Honestly, she was surprised that she had enough confidence to turn him down, but she loved herself for it. As she walked over to the strangers apartment with her friends, she kept reminding herself that it was merely a hookup. It would be her first one, and it made her nervous, so nervous that she didn't think about anything else all the way up to his room.

Taking a deep breath, she rose her hand and gently knocked on the wooden door. The door opened within seconds of her standing there, and when it did she wasn't disappointed. "H-hey, Ky?" She asked, making him smile and nod, "Yes, come in, Adel."

Walking past him, and into his studio styled apartment, she let out the sigh that she had been holding on to. "This place is so nice." She said while sliding off her shoes, and sitting them by the shoe rack next to the door.

"Thank you, can I get you water or anything?"
"Water, please." Adel answered, making him nod before turning around to his refrigerator, and pouring from his water pitcher.

Her brown eyes watched him, as his bicep flexed from picking up the full pitcher.
"Here you go." He said while handing it over, as she looked around his living room and kitchen area, surprised by how neat it was.

"Thank you." She said with a smile, as their fingers brushed against each other's, and their brown eyes gazed into one another's. "Of course."

  "You look so familiar, have we met?"
She asked him, knowing that she had recognized his face from somewhere, as she looked at his handsome face.
He shook his head, while placing his hands on her hips, and pulling her closer.

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