Chapter 1

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Adel's music blasted from her phone's speaker, as she prepared herself for her first class of the day. It was only her first month on the large college campus, and she had yet to know exactly where everything was. It was a lot different than the small high school she had recently graduated from.
A part of her loved the fact that everyone didn't know each other, but the other part hated how hard it was to meet new people.

Adel was a very outgoing, and charismatic person, but no one she came in contact with in the last few weeks seemed too approachable. She could confidently say that she had one actual friend, her roommate, Jane.

  The girls instantly clicked when they first met, and had been close friends ever since. "Either he is or he ain't my man." Adel sang while dancing around her dorm in her pajama's. The satin slip moved with the sway of her hips, as she took her scarf off from her forehead that helped the small hairs stay in tact.

Her dancing was cut short, as her roommate walked in abruptly, and laughed cutely. "Oh my, Adel." She just laughed, before going to her closet and asking, "What am I wearing today?" Jane sighed while lying against her pillows, and closing her eyelids to rest for a quick second.

She had woken up extremely early this morning, after she had to sneak out of her boyfriend's dorm room, before his RA woke up to do rounds, who happened to be her older brother's best friend.
"I don't know, but you'll need a jacket because it's windy." Adel nodded, "I'll wear white."

Her roommate nodded, pretending to care. "You didn't come to breakfast, so I brought you a bagel. It's on your desk." Adel smiled while taking a bite out of it, "Thanks, Girl."

In twenty minutes the pair were laughing while walking through the campus. They didn't have any classes together, but they both walked in the same direction for a few minutes.

"Have a good day, I'll see you later."
Adel said to her friend, before walking to her African American studies course. "Morning class!" Her energetic teacher said while getting up from her desk.

The class was full of mostly white poli sci major's, with the exception of six black students, two Latinx people who always seemed like they didn't want to be there, and one Asian student who kept to himself while typing away on his expensive laptop.

"Morning." Adel said, since only a small portion of the class responded. 
Her teacher offered her a smile, before starting their lesson. "Today we will be discussing Ebonics and African American vernacular English."

"To begin, what is Ebonics?" She asked the class, and though Adel wanted to raise her hand, and answer, she didn't.

She was one of the two first years in the class, and she didn't want to seem like that girl who wanted to show off. However, once the one Asian student rose his muscular arm, as he realized that no one else was going to answer her question, she regretted not doing the same, "Mr. Yi."

"It's African American dialect, derived from standard, or western English."
The professor nodded, while clicking the button that made her slideshow move. "Perfect, Sir. If everyone didn't hear that, there it is on the slide. It is an African American dialect derived from standard English."

Adel, alongside everyone else, glanced at the guy, as he sat a few rows behind her. He felt their eyes, but he didn't seem to care. Adel only got a glimpse of half of his face, and he appeared to be extremely handsome.

Turning back to the board, she decided to pay attention as she wrote notes down with her colorful pens for the next forty minutes. "Hey, do you have an extra pen?" Someone asked, after tapping her exposed shoulder.

Her body turned to look at him, and she could've swooned at his good looks, though she acted nonchalantly, while handing him the black pen in her hand. "Yeah. Here you go."

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