Chapter 10

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  "Can I ask you something, Adel?" Devin asked with his hand caressing her lower back, as she sat up in bed gazing down at him. "Yes?"

The smile on her face faltered as he asked, "Do you see this going anywhere?"
Her smile faltered, because she could already tell what answer he wanted to hear, and she knew that her answer wouldn't be that.

"I really like you already, Devin, but I'm far from being ready for a relationship. If that answers your question." He shrugged, "Well maybe? I've said that and actually meant no, but didn't want to hurt the girl's feelings. Is that what you're doing?"

She nervously laughed, "It depends on what you mean by, "Going somewhere." Like dating? That's a possibility, but I don't want you waiting for me or anything. If it happens it happens."

A small smile came to his face, "I can get behind that. Sorry if it was out of the blue, I just wasn't sure. I kind of just got the vibe that you just wanted to sleep with me." Though he was right, she attempted to make him feel better by turning over, and resting her head against his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for making you feel that way, Babe. If I do that in the future please tell me, you're more than just a piece of meat." Her words stroked his ego while her hand caressed his freckled skin, "Thank you for being so understanding, maybe I'm being too sensitive."

He tried to brush off with a soft chuckle, but Adel shook her head and gently grasped his face to make him look into her eyes, "Not at all. What you're feeling is valid, and you're allowed to tell me how you feel. I want you to, okay?"

The validation that she gave him was one he didn't know he needed, but once he got it? It overwhelmed him with an emotion he couldn't pin point. Not sure how to express it, he nodded while holding her closer, and letting go of a breathe he didn't realize he was holding.
"Okay. T-thank you."

Kissing his lips softly, she smiled and said, "Now let's get some sleep. Your team leaves early tomorrow." He nodded, still trying to process his emotions as she relaxed against his warm body. Feeling how tense he was underneath her, she gently caressed the side of his stomach, and kissed the sensitive area behind his ear. "What's on your mind, Babe?"

"N-nothing." He answered, with a sigh leaving his lips. "Are you sure? You've very tense, do you not like to cuddle? Because that's okay." Devin shook his head, and pulled her closer, "No, stay." He answered, and she nodded and stayed in place, waiting for him to say something, anything really so that they could sleep peacefully.

"I'm sorry, I've just never had someone give me that kind of validation means a lot." He admitted, while relaxing as she ran her fingers through his curly hair. "You saying that just made me realize a lot, and now I'm just over thinking. Don't worry about me, you can go to sleep."

She shook her head, although her eyes were closed, "What are you thinking about?" Sighing, he just shook his head, and tried to keep himself from trauma dumping on her.

"Just my life I guess. You made me realize how I've never been able to express my feelings like that before. It's crazy really. I wish I knew you when I was a kid."

He spoke truthfully, before turning his head and kissing her forehead. "And it's like I'm a man, I'm supposed to be okay with feeling used. I just know that if I told my friends about what I said they'd call me a pussy."

The thought alone made him chuckle bitterly, "God you're gonna think I'm such a bitch, maybe I should go?" He asked while leaning up, making her sit up in bed next to him. With her hand against his handsome face, she smiled at him while saying, "I don't think you're a bitch, you're just expressing your emotions, and that's okay."

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