He Canceled...For Real

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Ricky sat in the practice room, slowly crying while removing his beast makeup. He couldn't help but cry, even if he tried his best not to.

E.J. asked Ricky out on a date to get some Risotto with him sometime for real this time which he gladly accepted.

After Something There, E.J. ran into Ricky's aunt out in the hallway where he officially met her. Ricky's aunt told E.J. that she and her brother are so happy that Ricky had E.J. as a "big brother figure" in his life which makes E.J. upset causing him to second guess everything.

E.J. ended up calling off due to the misunderstanding. Ricky pretended that it was okay, but inside, he was really hurting, but he didn't wanna show it to anyone.

Nini comes into the room and sees Ricky, she didn't notice he was crying cause she was so exciting. "Ricky! You will not believe what happened! Gina wants me to talk to her brother about having a music career! Can you believe it!"

As soon as Ricky hears Nini, he tries to pull himself together. "Yep, great job, I'm proud of you" Ricky quickly wipes his tears. Nini notices this and sits next to him. "Hey, what's going on?"

"I had this stupid plan to go out with EJ tonight and he canceled" Ricky explains.

"Oh, well...you can always go tomorrow," Nini says. Ricky slightly chuckles at his ex's clueless response.

"No um, he canceled Nini...for good."

Ricky sighs into his arms and tries his hardest not to cry in front of Nini, who wraps her arm around him. "Ricky, I've never...nobodies ever known about what's going on with you and EJ, but you are one of the strongest people I know-"


"Ever since we were kids, you've had this spark about you that's so-"

"What? Cling?" Ricky pulls himself away from her.

"No...powerful. I'd said anyone be lucky to have you but that's not the point. We're all lucky to know you."

Nini wipes away Ricky's tears, causing him to grin. "Just know...you can talk to me about anything."

"I can. I will. And I wouldn't be involved in any of this if it wasn't for you...getting together with the guy I was supposed to go out with" he says, making them both laugh. Ricky, grabs both of Nini's hands, smiling.

"Thank you, seriously, you're the best."

Nini smiles and gives him a hug. After a few seconds, she grabs her bag. "I hope you change your mind about Slices," she says before walking out, leaving Ricky with his thoughts.

After a while at Slices, which Ricky agreed to go to, EJ walks out, but not before talking to Ashlyn. After EJ leaves and Nini walks away, Ashlyn walks over to Ricky and Gina. "Hey Rick, EJ talked to me before he left. I'm sorry, if I knew you thought of him as a big brother, I would've given you some very different advice."

"Yeah" Ricky sighs but then replays her last sentence in his head. "Wait, what?"


"Why would EJ think that?" Ricky asks himself. After Ashlyn explains what EJ told her, Gina gives Ricky an encouraging smile and he bolts out of the shop to find EJ walking to his car. "EJ!"

EJ turns back at him, a sad look resting on his face. Ricky runs a small length away with his widest smile. "You got bad intel."

"What?" EJ asks.

"Whatever my aunt told you isn't true," Ricky says. EJ's face lights up a little. "EJ, you're the greatest guy I've met, besides Red. The last few months that we've been close were the best months of my life. When you asked me to fill in for Gina for the Morning Announcements. When you were able to pull me away from Lily at North High. You even gave me a ride home when I got back from Spring Break. And I definitely wanted to go out on that date with you. I don't care if you were Gaston in the play, I know it's cheesy, but you are my Prince Adam."

"Really?" EJ asks with a small grin on his face, turning his whole body to the curly-haired boy.

"Can I..." Ricky wonders aloud, hesitating. Was he really about to do this? Yes! He was. He has to step out of his comfort zone.

"Can you what?" EJ's voice cracks, looking down.

"Can I kiss you?" Ricky says with the biggest smile on his face.

EJ's eyes bolt up in shock as he looks at Ricky, suddenly interested in what the curly-haired boy had to say.

"May I have this kiss?"

EJ smiles widely as a response. He drops his bag and starts walking towards Ricky, who follows suit. EJ's smile turns into a smirk as the boys get closer. Soon, Ricky starts to run towards him and EJ follows. EJ bends down, picked him up, and spun him around 3 times. Both boys look at each other for a minute with wide smiles, ear to ear. Finally, both boys lean in and they kiss.

The boys couldn't exaggerate when they'd say this was the best kiss they've ever had. Their lips connected perfectly. Ricky's arm went around EJ's neck and EJ's hands were on his face. It was perfect.

"YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ashlyn screams.

The 2 boys break apart and see their friends watching them. "Someone owes me and Nini $10" Gina and Nini smirk at Carlos, who digs in his pockets and gives them both $10 bills.

The boys just roll their eyes and turn back to each other. "Act 2?" EJ smirks.

"Well, we are theater geeks" Ricky replies matching the smirk.

The boys kiss again and it was more passionate and heartfelt. When they finish, they look back at their friends who are still smiling and cheering, but they still stay outside.

"Now how about that date?" Ricky asks with a smirk. He meant what he said, he really wanted to go on a date, and even though he's never had it, risotto sounds good. "Come on, then" EJ grabs Ricky's hand and they both walk and get in EJ's car.

"Tonight was eventful" Ricky smiles.

"Great way to end my senior year" EJ smiles widely.

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