Part Isle/Part Auradon Part 3

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Meanwhile back in Auradon, Ricky and EJ are sitting together on a picnic date near the Enchanted Lake. Ricky made every single dish Mrs. Potts made for EJ's parents. But he didn't really make it...he didn't have any time to make anything other than a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, so he used a spell to make all of it.

"Would you like a hot hors d'oeuvre?" Ricky asks. "Yes please," EJ says, leaning forward and letting his boyfriend feed him. Ricky's face melts into a smile as he waits for his king's response.

"This is the best thing I've ever had," EJ says.

"So you like it?" Ricky hopes aloud.

"I more than like it, my prince" EJ leans forward and grabs a cookie, also planting a kiss on his boyfriend's cheek. "I do like it. Is this Beef ragout?"

"Yeah" Ricky shrugs.

"This is amazing."

"Did I surprise you?" Ricky asks with concern.

"Yeah, you surprised me. This is every single dish Mrs. Potts made for my parents. What did it take you? Three days?"

"You know, don't even ask me" Ricky smirks, even if it was killing him inside to lie to his boyfriend.

EJ's smile fades as he stares at his boyfriend. "Yeah. Well, it means a lot that you stopped and did all this for me. Especially with all the craziness you've been put through" EJ gently grabs his boyfriend's hand, making Ricky tense up, but he thought nothing of it. "I've missed you" EJ's hand moves from Ricky's hand to his cheek, softly playing with his hair. "We don't get much time to be just us anymore."

"I know" Ricky sighs. But then he stretches out his arm and whips a small piece of food off his boyfriend's lips, making them both chuckle. "You can't take me anywhere, right?" The king asks, making his boyfriend laugh.

"Do you have a-- Do you have a napkin or something?"

"I do! I packed some. I think I stowed them away. I can grab them" EJ reaches into the picnic basket, and Ricky tries to stop him saying that he can get them himself. However, EJ takes EJ's spellbook out, to both of their shocks.

"What's this?" EJ asks.

"I actually threw that in their super last-minute in case it rained or--" Ricky lies, but he's caught as EJ started to read the list of spells that Ricky had tabbed.

"'Speed reading' spell. 'Blonde hair' spell. 'Cooking' spell" EJ, filled with disappointment just looks at his boyfriend, who slowly looks down in disappointment. "And I was giving you props for fitting in so well, for doing your best."

"Take back this moment that has passed. Return it-- Reverse it--" Ricky, desperate, tries to cast a spell on him to erase his memory of the event but fails to say the spell correctly. EJ jumps away from the table very upset. "Are you trying to spell me right now?!"

"Eej, it has been so hard for me!"

"Yes! Some things are hard! Do you think learning to be king has been easy for me?"


"I thought we were doing this together!"

"EJ, we are in this together," Ricky says, standing up now.

"But we're not, Rick. We're not. Y-You've been keeping secrets and lying to me. I thought we were done with that. This isn't the Isle of the Lost, Ricky."

That hit...that hit him really hard. But that's what's wrong. He's not on the Isle. He knows it isn't and that he cannot be a prince charming or a Gentleman of the Court, so what was the point in trying? "Yeah. Believe me, I know that!"

"Then why are you doing this?" EJ asks, lowering his voice

"Because... I'm not one of those perfect pink princesses, EJ" Ricky yells, his eyes watering up and his voice cracking. "I'm not one of those gentlemen from the Court. I'm a big fake, okay? I'm fake. This is fake. This is fake."

Ricky quickly takes his Spell Book and recites "Take this feast, this sumptuous meal, return it back to what is real" he waves his arms around, and with a puff of red magic, the food vanishes, other than his Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich. "This is who I really am."

EJ wasn't disappointed, he loved Ricky for who he was, not for fitting in or having blonde hair. "Ricky," EJ says quietly, but his boyfriend just walks away, upset, despite him trying to call him back.

"Peanut Butter and Jelly is my favorite!" He yells, but he knew that wasn't enough. He drops the sandwich and drops his head into his hands as his boyfriend runs away.

Ricky returns to his and Big Red's room. Ricky asked Kourtney to make him a new outfit, he was now wearing a red studded leather jacket with a green and red hand-dyed tank top under it, multiple layered chains and belts around his waist, red leather pants, and red studded boots with red and green colored heels. He also wears a single red fingerless glove.

Kourtney tried to convince him not to, but he made up his mind, he was going back to the Isle of the Lost.

He grabs a pencil and pierces air holes into a blue and black pencil box. But he drops it, then starts to cry. "I don't belong here" he cries.

He picks up the box again and walks over to the glass cage where her mother, Lynne Bowen the lizard, is kept. He opens the cage, takes out Lynne, and places her in the box. "Okay. Let's blow this popsicle stand. Yeah?" He weakly smiles at his lizard mom then places the lid on the pencil box.

Afterward, Ricky drives her purple scooter wearing a purple helmet to a cliff at the edge of Auradon overlooking the sea and the Isle of the Lost. He stops, breathing heavily, and takes off his goggles. He quickly takes her spell book out and casts a spell on her scooter "Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take me anywhere. Okay. Whew. Please work."

He then drives across the water trailing green magic, slightly hovering over the water and bouncing into it occasionally. He did it, he was finally going home, no more pretending, he was finally where he belongs. He rams into the barrier but passes through it with a gasp of surprise.

He drives through the "market" causing many people to shout in surprise and move out of his way quickly. He stops at a corner and takes off his goggles to see a poster on the wall advertising the Royal Cotillion showing him and EJ together. An eye patch is drawn over EJ's right eye, and Ricky's face has an "x" over it with "GOOD BOY" written on him. Ricky peels the poster off the wall, crumples it, and throws it over his shoulder. He puts her goggles back on and drives off, many people staring at her as she leaves.

He drives on until she reaches a building, turns right, and parks her scooter in an opening. He takes off her helmet, grabs a rock off a nearby table, and throws it at a sign reading: "Danger: Flying Rocks" hanging to the side of the building. It folds to the wall, then a door slides upwards revealing a flight of stairs leading up the building. Ricky then starts walking up the stairs to the room above.

Welcome home, Ricky.

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