Adventures in Babysitting

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Ricky woke up in bed, but his husband wasn't there. He was in bed alone. "Guess he got up early" he mumbles to himself. He jumps out of bed but quickly sees Rose Petals on the floor. "He did not..."

Ricky jumps out of bed. He grabs a blue undershirt, and shorts and follows the petals out of his room and downstairs. When he enters the living room, he sees the love of his life in a blue shirt and pale suit holding a rose in his hand, along with 3 boxes of roses on the counter.

"E, what's all this?"

"Happy Aniversary, babe" EJ gives his husband a tight hug around his waist. "You did all of this for me?"

"Actually, no. I found these and this note said to give you one."

"And if you didn't do this, who did."


The 2 turn around and see their son, M.J. Caswell, short for Michael James. He wasn't the most well-behaved 14-year-old, especially when he was ambitious about doing something, but he definitely has his sweet moments and loves his dads.

When M.J. was born all of their friends and family were there to welcome the new baby. When deciding on a name, Ricky's father had recently passed and he wanted to honor him by combining his and EJ's names together, Michael and E.J., to get M.J. Their friends thought it was so cute and loved it. So they named their newborn son, "M.J. Caswell."

He was a carbon copy of both EJ and Ricky. He had bright teal eyes like EJ but looked exactly like Ricky, curly brown hair with blond highlights. And he had EJ's athletic abilities and both of their musical talents.

"MJ, you did this for us?"

"Of course! I love you guys!"

"Aww, M.J." Ricky and EJ pull their son in for a hug. "Wait" EJ pulls away with an eyebrow raised. "He's being nice. Really nice. He wants something."

"That's not true," MJ says, but his parents give him a glare. "Okay, I did want something, but I was going to wait until after your Anniversary."

"What do you want?"

"I wanna go to Aunt Nini's concert. She said she was gonna be singing a song with Nick Jonas! Pleeeease, can I go!"

"Sorry, but no," EJ sighs. "You're dad ad I am busy. And even if you find another, you're 14. And that's way too far away, I don't think you're old enough to be going that far on you're own. I'm sorry.."

M.J. was upset, but he didn't wanna be rude. "Okay, fine. Happy Aniversary."

"You're taking this well" Ricky nods.

"It's not easy. I'm gonna go get dressed. Enjoy the roses!" M.J. walks away and the men look at each other. "I think he's planning something," EJ thinks aloud. "He has both of our brains, so he's definitely sneaky."

"Um, what did I ever do?"

"You joined a play to try and win your ex-girlfriend back who was already in a happy relationship."

"Technically, she was mine first."

"Technically, you guys broke up. You were just clingy."

"And look how that turned out for me" Ricky leans forward and kisses his husband, who caresses his cheek.

Later, Ricky and M.J. were hanging out in the living room. EJ quickly comes down and races to his husband. "Hey, Ri. I was thinking we could go to this fancy Restaraunt to celebrate. What do you think? I can make reservations."

Ricky grins but starts to think of one crucial detail. "Eej, I would love to, but you're forgetting one thing. M.J."

"He's 14. He can stay home alone."

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