The Core Four Chapter

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!Warning, physical abuse!

I was washing the dishes cause I forgot to this morning, but I stop holding a plate as I become lost in thought.  I have powers? Do I really have powers?  I remember always wanting to fly when I was a kid, but I just said that cause I knew it wouldn't happen.

And EJ.  His panic attack, I haven't seen him like that since he first told me they died.  He's always been there for me when I cry, but I've never seen him cry in such a long time.  I hope he's gonna take my advice and talk to his Uncle, I really hope he'll be okay.

"Ricky!"  My mom yells, scaring me so much I drop the glass plate that was in my hand.  It breaks and the shards splatter everywhere.  I look up at my mom scared for my life.

"M-Mon, I'm so s-sorry, I didn't-"

And there, another slap in the dace.  I may be used to it, but it still always stings.

"Why does your clumsy self always have to ruin everything!"  She yells.

"It was just an accident!  It wouldn't have happened if you hadn't scared me!"  I yell right back.

But then I again forgot who I was talking to. I immediately start to apologize for yelling back.  I didn't mean to, I just don't want her to keep blaming me for things.  Her face is turning bloodshot red, now I'm petrified.

!Warning starts here!

"Mom, I didn't mean to yell, I'm so-"

I fall to the ground holding my nose in pain.  I move my hand away and see the blood dripping on my hand.

She punched me!?  She's never punched me before, just slapping and shoving, but never this.

"I don't care about your apologies, kid!  God, I wish you were never born!"  She yells, she kicks me in my stomach and I let out a massive groan, my whole body falling to the floor.  "Mom, stop!" I cough out blood, but she doesn't listen, she kicks my chest and continues to hurt me.  I feel my pupils glow gold, but I'm struggling not to let loose some insane blast of energy, even if it could stop all the soreness and suffering, I'm gonna do that, cause I know she'll call someone and I'll probably be locked up for life.

"Please, stop!"  I beg and cry, but it's no use, she just keeps hitting and kicking me.  This will never end, I can never escape it, no matter how much I'll try.  Why doesn't she just end my life now?  I'll be better gone, I won't have to deal with this. So as she keeps abusing me, I don't beg and cry for her to stop anymore, I just cry as the pain increases and the voices get louder.

Go. Let her kill you

You want your friends, your dad, Miss Jenn to be happy? Then you'll let her kill you

Your nothing. You've always been nothing

You deserve to be alone, and you always will be. Just die!

I feel like I'm about to blackout, I feel my blood trying to find its way out my akin and stain the floor, and it's slowly working.  I try to get back up, but everytime, she just punches me back to the ground and continues to kick, torture, and abuse me. I tried to get up again, when her fist came flying down, I was able to grab it, but her other fist hit my eye and I scream in pain. I start to cry all over again as she continues to beat me.

!Warning end here!

I hear the door open, but I don't bother to look, it's probable just Todd.

"Lynn, what are you doing!?!  Stop!!!"  I hear my dad yells.  He pushes her off me and helps me up, holding me in his arms.  I'm just a sobbing mess.  "What is wrong with you?  He's our son!  We're supposed to love him, not hurt him!"  He yells whipping my blood and tears away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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