Part Isle/Part Auradon Part 4

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After Ricky left for the Isle, Nini visited EJ in his office and told him that Ricky has left. She showed him the note Ricky left for EJ along with her ring. EJ felt awful. It was all his fault for not understanding Ricky and yelling at him during their date. He told Nini that he needs to go there to apologize to his ex but Nini told him he can't go alone since he doesn't know the Isle and that she needs to come also, to which he agrees. Nini says that she will also bring Kourtney and Big Red with them since they aren't popular back on the Isle and it would be safer. 

The 4 groups of friends snuck outside of Auradon prep and into the limo. EJ looked brand new with his studded leather jacket, leather jeans, black boots, and beanie. He tosses the key and remote to Jay as they make their plan.

"Wait!" Nini says. "Something's wrong." Her words alarmed the others, what? She took a step near EJ fixed his beanie, bringing it down more to cover his face. "Oh" EJ sighs, thinking it was something important. "There."


They turned around and saw Dude. Nini, Kourtney, and EJ were speechless. Did he "No, Dude, stay. The Isle is way too dangerous" Big Red says, the only one who wasn't alarmed that the dog could talk.

"Did he just?" Kourtney asks.

"Talk? Yeah, I know, I'll tell you later" Big Red says. The others move past it and get in the limo. "Okay," Nini says. "Once we cross the bridge, park under the pier in the old garage. Got it?"

They hurry to the limousine to travel to the Isle. Once in the Isle, they hide the limousine with the tarp. Nini starts to look around and gets nervous. She had hoped she'd never see the Isle again. Kourtney noticed Nini's stare and looked t her.

"It's really weird being back here," Nini says. "We'll get in and get out," she tells her as they cover the limo with the tarp.

"Hey, what's in here?" EJ asks, walking over to the large mouth of the tunnel. The others quickly run up to him and pull him away. "You don't wanna know," Kourtney says.

"Hey, you guys," Big Red says. "Keep it chill, alright? The last thing we need is our parents figuring out we're here." 

They head off and emerge in a market street where a few kids back away, still scared of them. As in following them, one kid walks up to her and grabs her hands while another takes her wallet out of her belt. "HEY! STOP!" She grabs the kid who took it but sees the sadness in their eyes, knowing that their kids. feels sympathy for them and lets them have it. "Just take it."

The kids smile at her and runoff. Nini gazes at them for a minute before turning around. "EJ" she scoffs before storming off

EJ wanders off and looks around. The Isle was nothing like he thought. When you push past all the right sights, you could see the beauty. He actually really liked it here. Gazing around, he spots a grumpy stranger standing around. Smiling, he tries to shake hands but the stranger takes a step towards him and grunts.

"EJ! Stop!" Nini says, pulling him away. "Just stop."


"This isn't a parade, it's the isle."

"Keep your hands in your pocket unless your stealing" Kourtney says.

"Either slouch or strut" Big Red informs him.

"And never ever smile" Nini orders.

"Okay, than-" EJ says, but Nini cuts him off. "No thank you and drop the please...just chill."

(Why does this make me actually ship EJ and Nini again?)

Let me tell you something you can really trust
Everybody's got a wicked side
I know you think that you can never be like us
Watch and learn so you can get it right

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