You raped EJ

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EJ had been getting a little better over time. Every once in a while, he would find the power to pick up little shards of his broken confidence. He felt safe knowing his friends were there to protect him.

Right now, he was hanging out in the Library, alone. He was working on homework so he could finish everything in time for Waterpolo practice, then hanging out with Ricky, who was making a whole movie out of his attack.


EJ jumps out of his seat, fear striking his whole body. "Oh! E, I'm sorry, I totally forgot."

"Nah, bubs, it's okay. I'm just...still getting over it."

"Speaking of which. I don't wanna pressure you into it, but have you maybe...considered talking to your parents? I'm sure they'd try all they can to help."

"My dad would try to sue the first person I name. I don't wanna tell him until we find out who actually did it. Ricky, please promise me that you won't tell them."

"Hey, hey, I promise" Ricky grabs his hand. "Whatever makes you feel safe. I'm with you."

"And, uh, speaking of which, have you guys gotten any closer? Is there any way I can help?"

"Actually, Gina sent a list of all possible rapers. Jet and I were about to go talk to Dani, wanna join?" Ricky stands up and pulls EJ out, meeting Jet in the halls, who was leaning on the locker with his arms crossed.

"You ready for this?" Ricky asks.

"Can't we do this off school grounds? That gives me a lot more strategies than good cop, bad cop."

"What did we tell you, Jet? Any bad things you do has to be on your own so there won't be any witnesses."


The three boys approach the dark-haired cheerleader, recording a TikTok near her locker. "Dani!"

Dani is a popular girl who is a modern-day take on Sharpay Evans. She is a cheerleader determined to find her place at the top of the cheerleading pyramid. She may not have been too happy that EJ chose Ricky over her, but she did accept it and supports them, making her a very trusted friend to the Wildcats. "Oh, hi guys, what's up?"

"I want to ask you something," EJ says.

"What's up?"

"That party we went to a few weeks ago. Do you remember what happened when I left?"

"Um, not much, only that most of the people had a massive hangover."

"Well, we're gonna need a little more than that" Jet plants his hands on his hips and takes a step forward, but Ricky holds him back before he could do anything stupid. With all of Dani's popularity, Jet would probably get a punishment worst than getting expelled. "Dani, something happened to EJ at the party."


"You have to promise you won't tell anyone" EJ leans closer and whispers it in her ear. Dani's eyes widen and she holds her hand over her mouth. "Oh, my gosh! EJ, I'm so sorry. Do you know who did it?"

"No, and we're trying to figure out who did it. Please tell me you remember something after I left."

"I remember trying to talk Lily out of L.J. Apparently, that's your ship name. Then she left, I think...a few minutes after you."

"Wait, she did? That means there's a chance..."

"Lily's the culprit" Ricky gasps.

"I'll go find her" Jet volunteers. "No!" Ricky says. "We need more information from the girls. I'll tell the girls everything we learned. Thank you, Dani."

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