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Luke was on top of me while we were in a heated make out session. The events of earlier seem to be repeating, and damn I couldn't wait to do it again. I loved almost every minute of it before, I'm sure I'll love it even more the second time around, right? I mean, anything with Luke is never boring or repetitive.

He was grinding on me and kissing the left side of my neck. Things were getting more spicy. But then the light turned on. Luke jumped off of me while I pushed on his chest. The loss of contact and friction made me a little cold. We both watched the doorway to the stairs, listening to the footsteps that descended. Closer and closer each second. After what felt like an eternity, a woman appeared in the doorway. Both Luke and I fell onto the couch so we couldn't be seen. I slid my way to the floor and crawled around the side to watch her. She entered the office on the other side of the steps.

Luke was looking at me with horror in his eyes. I simply smiled. This was so cliché. She was bound to come down here. She's going to find out that we're here in a few days and kick us out. There's no doubt about it. I looked around for a better hiding place. There was a door just behind us. The only issue was getting there without being heard. I could do it, but could Luke?

I silently slid across the short distance from the couch to the door. I motioned for Luke to follow. He wasn't quiet, but he wasn't that loud either. I twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open slowly. It was about halfway open when it squeaked. So I stopped and stepped inside without opening it any further. I turned and watched Luke struggle since there was a desk right next to the door and he couldn't open the door any more without it making noise.

This was quite amusing. The somewhat bulky man sliding through the partly open door. I laughed at him as he finally made it through quietly, receiving a glare in return. I closed the door gently and turned to face the boy I love.

'So what?" Luke whispered into the pitch black room. "We just camp out here?"

"Until nine," I replied as I looked around for a clock.

I saw glowing red numbers on the desk near the door. It read 7:30 PM. hour and a half and we can finally be free I think. I leaned against the door, listening to the sounds of the house. It was fairly quiet other than mine and Luke's breathing. I heard walking upstairs between at least two people. Never heard who I assume to be Mrs. Mercer go back upstairs, though. So we waited. Luke started humming the tune to a Beatles song. My favorite Beatles song, to be exact.

"Hmmmm, hmmmmm, hmmmmmm," Luke hummed the beginning of the song.

"What would you think if I sang out of tune?" I sang in a whisper. "Would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ear and I'll sing you a song. And I'll try not to sing out of key. Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends. Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends. Mm, I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends."

"I love your voice," Luke complimented me in the darkness, "Even when you're just whispering."

I felt myself blush. "Thank you," I whispered back with a large smile on my face.

"Yep," Luke inhaled sharply, probably out of boredom.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Don't know," he replied.

"Wow," I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "Never heard of 'Don't Know.' Tell me about it."

"Well, it's this great thing," Luke started. "It's where this teenager is stuck in an office with his boyfriend. Alone in the dark, mind you. And his boyfriend asked a question and the teenager had no idea what to reply with."

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