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Authors note: this is a pure Willex chapter. Hope you enjoy!


While Julie and Luke got into an argument, I told Alex I’d be right back. He nodded and so I got up and went to his room. I put my bag in here earlier when I got here. It contained everything I’d need tonight. I pulled out the fake rose petals and scattered them strategically around the very clean room. Next, I took out some fake candles and spread them across the dresser and nightstand with a few along the windowsill. I lit up each one before setting them down. I smiled at the scene in front of me. Without the main light on, the room was dimly lit. It was bright enough to see, but dim enough to still be romantic. Perfect.

I returned to the living room just in time to see Reggie eagerly pick his gift up from next him and rip off the paper. He reminds me of a little kid. Him and April have the same personality, I swear.

The rest of the gift opening went by in a blur. The last gift opened was an emotional rollercoaster for Sunset Curve and April’s mom, Mrs. Harvey. It got everyone in slight tears. Even Flynn who had no idea who anyone was besides Julie. She’s cool, though. Everyone took an immediate liking to her.

After Reggie began complaining about being hungry, Luke and him left for the night. Everyone except Reggie and Flynn knew where they were going. And Alex told me about Reggie’s present for Luke after Luke’s surprise Christmas dinner. With them gone, it left the Harveys, Flynn, Alex, and myself. Mrs. Harvey offered to cook, and then walked into the kitchen where Flynn joined her. Now the two of them are cooking away, and no one knows what they’re making. April was playing her new game and Alex moved to the couch and I followed him.

“I’m going to get you your gift now,” Alex said as he stood.

“Uhm, where is it?” I asked, worried that it’d be in his room.

“In the closet,” Alex shrugged as he walked down the hall towards his room.

I really hope he means the closet at the end of the hall and not the one in his room. Because if he goes into his room it ruins his Christmas gift. Alex returned to the living room with a medium size box wrapped in silver paper with a red bow on top. I smiled, knowing that he put a lot of time into simply wrapping the present. The blonde boy sat next to me and pushed the present shyly onto my lap.

“This took forever, so you better like it,” Alex smiled his adorable smile.

“Wrapping it or getting it?” I asked with a laugh.

Alex lightly hit my arm, “Just open it.”

I tore off the paper and inside was a plain box.

“Wow!” I joked. “A box! I love it!”

“You’re so dumb,” Alex laughed. “Just finish opening it.”

I opened up the box and found a red and black gradient skateboard inside. I’ve never seen one before, but I never knew I wanted the cool design until I saw it. I pulled the board out of the box and ran my fingers down the sides. The wheels were a sleek black and looked brand new. I flipped the skateboard over and on the bottom were a ton of polaroid pictures. Each one was a picture somewhere in LA. I recognized certain ones. Granville Street, the museum I brought Alex to, the band's old studio… even the Hollywood Ghost Club, which everyone hated after their performance there. The owner gave them all the creeps.

“That’s every postmark in our relationship,” Alex smiled. “From where we met, to our most recent date.”

I put the skateboard down and pulled my boyfriend into the tightest hug I’ve ever given anyone. What did I do to deserve this beautiful boy in my arms? He’s beyond perfect. Everything he does is thoroughly thought through and planned ahead. And every day I find myself loving him even more.

“Thank you,” I whispered to him. “I love you.”


Willie’s words shocked me. We haven’t actually said The Three Words yet. I’ve thought about saying them many times, but never knew if he felt the same way. And now that he said them, my anxiety is skyrocketing and I want to say them back but I can’t breathe.

I cleared my throat in an attempt to talk, but nothing came out. My heart was racing and my breathing was rough.

“I’m so sorry, Alex,” Willie apologized quickly as he pulled out of our hug. “I wasn't thinking, I shouldn’t have-”

“No!” I cut him off, “It’s fine. Just unexpected. My anxiety got high, but I think I’m fine now.”

“Oh,” Willie sounded a little disappointed.

I smiled at my boyfriend, knowing exactly why he sounded the way he did. “Willie, I love you, too.”

His precious smile returned to his beautiful face. He placed a gentle kiss on my lips and then Flynn called dinner.

Dinner wasn’t as awkward as I thought it would be. April pretty much kept a conversation flowing. We all took the time to get to know Flynn, and Flynn learned a lot about all of us. Mrs. Harvey and Flynn had made chicken and rice, which Reggie missed out on. And although it’s not a typical Christmas dinner, it’s perfect for our not typical family.

After dinner, we all helped clean up, Flynn said she had to go home and Mrs. Harvey wanted to finish her and April’s family traditions at their own apartment. So that left Willie and I home alone.

“I got a surprise for you,” Willie laughed as he kissed me once Mrs. Harvey left.

“What kind of surprise?” I asked.

“Close your eyes,” Willie replied.

I closed my eyes since I trusted him. He grabbed me by the arm and picked me up off the couch. We walked slowly in the direction of my room, then stopped. I heard the door open, and Willie left my side.

“Open your eyes,” Willie whispered loudly.

Once my eyes were open, I was greeted by a beautiful scene. Rose petals on the floor, bed, window, and dresser. Candles everywhere. And Willie laying across my bed in a way that can only be described as hot.

Willie patted the bed beside him and I quickly joined him. I laid next to Willie, but he rolled on top of me, kissing me passionately. It was slow and loving at first, but quickly became heated and fast. Willie’s hands explored every square inch of my torso until he pulled my shirt off.

I didn’t stop him this time like I usually do. And he didn’t stop either. I let his lips trail from my lips, to my neck, to chest, stomach, and waistline.

“Are you ready?” Willie asked softly.

“Yes,” I whispered back.

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