Part 12

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"Get out of my way!" Grace yelled as she ran down the hospital hallway after she and Gibbs had arrived. She was trying to follow the stretcher that Colin was being wheeled into the operating room on. Gibbs caught up to Grace and held her back as she screamed and cried. She wanted so desperately to be right there by Colin's side the whole time. She fought with all her strength against her uncles grip, but soon gave up and collapsed into his arms. Gibbs held his heartbroken niece tightly as she bawled her eyes out into his chest.
"I can't lose another one.." Grace sobbed. This was the second friend of hers who had been injured and she couldn't bear the thought of losing Colin right after Robbie.
"I know hunny." Gibbs said to her and kissed her head.
An hour later, Grace was sitting in the waiting room by herself. Gibbs went back to the office to keep working the case. Grace looked up as she heard a nurse walk up to her.
"H-How is he?" she asked, fearing the worst answer.
"The surgery was a success. Colin is now in a bed and resting. He has requested I bring you to his room right away." the nurse smiled. Grace got up and followed her to room 40 as she was still a bit shaken up by everything that had happened. The nurse smiled at Grace again and left as Grace entered the room. Colin looked over from the tv and smiled at her. Grace sat down in a chair next to the bed and started crying again.
"I thought I was about to lose you too.." she said.
Colin chuckled a bit weakly, "you know me, love, I'm a fighter." He lifted his hand up and wiped the tears from Grace's face. She grabbed his hand and held it as she looked down to hide her face.
"Look at me, love," Colin said to her. Grace picked her head up and looked back at him, "I'm not going anywhere, alright? I'm not leaving you." Grace smiled a bit as she wiped her eyes. Colin pulled her hand over and kissed it. Grace was a bit shocked, but figured it was out of  his act of reassurance to her that he's not gonna die. A knock on the door was heard and they both looked in that direction. Abby was standing in the doorway and she gave a smile to them.
"Gibbs told me what happened. I'm glad you're ok." Abby said to Colin.
"Like I said to Grace, I'm a fighter." Colin smiled as he looked back at Grace. She looked at him and it made them both smile to be getting lost in each other again. Abby smiled at the both of them.
"Well I just wanted to come see how you both were doing. And I wanted to tell you that we're actually on to something." Abby said.
"Really?" Colin and Grace both said in shock as they looked at her.

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