Part 8

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The days flew by and there was still no confirmed murderer. It was now Tuesday of the next week. Grace was rapidly typing names into the search engine of the criminal data base. She was now filled with anger, so desperately wanting to solve this case and get revenge for Robbie. Grace was so lost in what she was doing that she didn't hear her uncle talking to her.

"Grace." Gibbs said, putting a hand on her shoulder. She finally snapped out of it and looked up at him.

"Oh, sorry uncle Gibbs." Grace said, looking down.

"I think you should know something. Come with me." Gibbs said. Grace got up and followed him to the other side of the interrogation room. Grace looked through the one way mirror and saw McGee come in to question Colin.

"W-Why.." she started.

"We found some evidence that led us to his trailer at the studio." Gibbs said, then placed a picture of a empty vial of poison in Grace's hands. She looked at it, then looked up at Colin, taken back by the thought of him being the one who killed Robbie.

"N-No. He couldn't have. Robbie and Colin were like brothers. Colin couldn't have done it." Grace said. Gibbs turned on the speaker for the interrogation room. They could hear McGee and Colin's conversation.

"Do you know what this is?" McGee asked, showing Colin an evidence bag with the empty vial.

Colin raised an eyebrow, "not sure mate."

"It was found in your trailer at the t.v studio." McGee said.

"I said I don't know what it is." Colin insisted.

"This vial contained an extremely dangerous poison that was used on the knife we found at the scene where Robbie was stabbed to death. The knife combined with the poison is what killed him." McGee explained.

Colin sighed, "look mate, I want this killer found and locked up as much as Grace and all of you do. Why would I be stupid enough to be the killer? Someone must've put that vial in my trailer, either when I wasn't around or looking, to frame me."

"Who has recently been in your trailer? McGee asked.

"All I know of is Robert Carlyle and Lana Parrilla." Colin said.

"Alright, thank you Mr. O'Donoghue. You can go now." McGee said.

"I told you." Grace said to Gibbs as she stormed out of the room. Gibbs watched her and sighed in a bit of frustration. Grace met Colin at the door and they walked out of the building together.

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