Part 3

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Grace and Abby had been sitting in the van for 5 minutes and counting as they waited for the others. Grace held her head, the tears still streaming down her face, as she laid against the side of the van. In her other hand, she held Abby's clean black with skulls handkerchief to wipe her face with.

"Why did this have to happen?" Grace questioned herself, "I should've been with him. Maybe then he might've been safe.." Grace looked down, self-blame running through her mind.

Abby reached over putting a hand on Grace's shoulder, "it is not your fault Grace. No one knew this would happen to him. Don't blame yourself when you had nothing to do with it."

"I just want him back Abbs.." Grace said. She picked her head up, looking at Abby again, trying to stop herself from crying.

"I know kid." Abby said. Grace was able to calm down enough just before the guys got in the van.

"How is she?" Palmer asked Abby as he stood in the doorway. She gave him a look like he should already know the answer to that and Gibbs drove them all back to the station. When they got there Abby and McGee got out of the van and Palmer pulled up with the body with Ducky waiting for him outside.

Gibbs got out and talked to them all, "it's getting late. All you go home for the night and we'll have an autopsy on Robbie's body tomorrow. I'm gonna take Grace home." The three of them nodded and went their separate ways. Gibbs picked Grace up out of the van and carried her to the car. He put her in the front seat then got in himself and drove them home while he held Grace's hand. She was still crying a little, but she squeezed Gibbs's hand a bit. That's usually how she tells him she's scared if she doesn't feel like talking.

"I know honey." he said. When they got home Gibbs carried Grace to her room and put her to bed because she was asleep by the time they got there. Gibbs started to walk out of her room when she suddenly woke up.

"Uncle Gibbs?" Grace asked, tiredly.

"What honey?" he asked her.

"Will you stay with me for a bit, until I can sleep again?" Grace asked. Gibbs gave a small smile, then sat up on Grace's bed.

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