Part 13

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Abby sat down in a chair and started explaining.
"While you were here waiting for Colin to get out of surgery, we pulled Josh Dallas in for questioning because I finally was able to find and pull a print off of the knife and it was his fingerprint. His initials are right there in plain sight too."
"No... No, it couldn't have been Josh. He treats every single person in the cast as family." Colin said, confused.
"Well, at the moment, we have him under our custody in the conference room until he can be proved innocent." Abby finished. Grace thought to herself and got up, heading for the door.
"Where are you going, love?" Colin asked her.
"To prove Josh's innocence." Grace said as she left the room. Abby and Colin looked at each other.
"You should probably go with her." Colin said.
"Good idea." Abby said, getting up and following Grace.
Over at the O.U.A.T set, Grace was questioning everyone that Gibbs or McGee hadn't questioned already. At that moment, she was in the middle of questioning Lana Parilla.
"Lana, I am at my wits end here. Robbie is dead, Colin is in the hospital, Josh is in custody at the station, Robert's prints were found on the poison vial," Grace started then teared, "I just... I need to find out who did it, and right now it's narrowing down to Robert, Josh, and you."
"Me? Why me?" Lana scoffed in disbelief.
"Colin said you were in his trailer the day Robbie was killed. What were you doing in there?" Grace asked.
"I was looking for him so we could go over some lines together." Lana explained.
"That's it? Nothing else?" Grace asked.
Lana thought for a minute, "wait... I did see a vial of some blue stuff while I was there. He said it was some special perfume that he whipped up for a special someone. And I figured he was talking about you."
"Wait a minute, me?" Grace asked, now confused and shocked.
"Come on Grace, I see the way he looks at you and treats you and everyone else can see it too." Lana said.
Grace thought to herself then shook his head, "we'll have to continue that later. Anyway, that couldn't have been the perfume vial on the floor, could it?"
"I don't know." Lana said.
Next, Grace started questioning Jennifer.
"I actually saw Robert go into Colin's trailer, and he was being pretty suspicious about it." Jennifer said.
"Suspicious how?" Grace asked.
"He looked around to see if anyone was looking, then he took out a baggy with something in it, switched it for something on the table in Colin's trailer, then quickly left." Jennifer explained. She and Grace widened their eyes and quickly went back to the station.
"Uncle Gibbs! Uncle Gibbs!" Grace shouted as she and Jennifer rushed in.
"Slow down Grace. What's going on?" Gibbs asked, confused, as he got up from his desk.
"You can let Josh go. We know who the killer is." Jennifer said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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